
Because it’s a single player game and over time people become done with them and move onto other stuff? And it also didn’t review as well as their previous games and less people are into it.

Not everything is a live service, it’s ok to be done with a game.

Because the game is derivative, repetitive, ugly, and boring?

Honestly one of the reason I am still pro-Xbox, especially the controllers, is because they continue to use easily replaceable batteries. Sure, on paper, built in batteries and rechargable controllers seem like a great idea but in practice it means that when the battery dies you have to play it with a USB cord hanging

Now, Sony is the first-party king of gaming.”

The wild part is all of this comes in a $79.99 package, which is only $10 more than the base game”

Update: Based on my experience of clicking the instant it went live, and then being locked in the shipping/payment screens with initialization/update errors, then a “you’ve tried buying too many things in the past hours!”, I’m not sure this effort succeeded. Did just grab the non-limited edition 1TB model successfully

TBH, 100% shocked the PS Portal is selling out at all. It’s not a very compelling product, and I say this as a guy who’s owned every Playstation and PSP/Vita.

Valve also confirmed that once the Limited Edition Steam Decks sell out, that’s it. The company doesn’t plan on producing anymore.”

I wish them luck

Blade Chimera seems to beRecord of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth” with a sci-fi artstyle, which was also made by Team Ladybug.

True, Cloud also gets impaled by a sword in the original game, he’s just much better at not dying about it. 

I thought I was the only one wishing that they’d just stuck to roughly the original story without all this convoluted multiverse timey-wimey stuff, but I guess it’s good to see that I’m not alone after all. I didn’t have the deep emotional attachment to FF7 that many do, but how did they take more than 25 years of

RE2, RE4, Dead Space, half a dozen other remakes along with upcoming ones like Persona 3, Super Mario RPG...all of these show it’s entirely possible to remake a game without going bonkers wild with some garbo new story. I wish FF7 had done the same.

They’re going to mess with the story and setting so much that it’ll become stupid. They’ve already started the process by giving things stupid names.

Bioware Magic!

More stores are good

So... how exactly does exclusivity benefit consumers? Nobody’s complaining about having more choices. They’re complaining about having fewer choices as a result of arbitrary exclusivity deals. For example, being able to buy and play Dead Island 2 on Steam, GOG, the MS Store and EGS would have been great. Customers

I’ve been in the cabin for an actual emergency decent after a pressurization issue - it was absolutely no big deal at all.

Ok, airline pilot here. The only thing they may have noticed was an emergency descent to the nearest airport. This is not a nose dive, but it is a high rate of descent. Second, I don’t trust anyones memory of what they think happened, although I am not trying to minimize their experience. I have done some short

Airlines can and should take simple and reasonable steps before each flight to challenge the presumption that every pilot who shows up at the gate is rested, sober, and in the right state of mind to fly??? this guy was off duty why would they even check up on him