
They’re trying to force these online competitive games on us. Games that revolve every online player trying to show off to each other. These people aren’t really into the games. They’re looking for an online game to showoff and stream and make money. The game comes last. I’m not competitive with anyone. It’s why I

You know the phrase “the ends justify the means”?

I’d have gladly taken 3 planets packed with a lot of unique and memorable content. Hell, make it 1 planet. Dense content is better than sparse content.

Yahtzee talked about this recently in an Extra Punctuation video: Empty space is fine so long as it’s fun to traverse the empty space. For example, look at Spider-man 2: There’s a lot of empty space in NYC at any given point between activities. However, traversing that space is a fun activity in and of itself.

The size absolutely is the problem. It’s all about resource management.

Part of the problem I have with so many open world titles (especially the Ubisoft ones) are that Devs brag about how much space is in their games, yet when you really look at it, most of the time these spaces are virtually empty, copy and pasting

I had a hunch that this endeavor wouldn’t be worthwhile in the long run. The idea of procedural generation can be effective in moderation. No Man’s Sky faced similar issues, and many games that heavily rely on procedurally generated content and promote endless exploration often come up short. It can result in

The surprise: this time it’s happening exactly the same.

Microsoft has been doing this longer then just the last generation.  My XBox account is the same account it’s been since online play started on the OG XBox.  My purchase history goes back to DLC and XBox Arcade games bought on the 360.  Not everything is usable today but I have been able to download and play games I

My hesitation to choose a githyanki character has far more to do with this:

Obviously personal taste, but I think the original PS5 is hideous, and it’s crazy size didn’t help. This only fixed (maybe) the size issue, but still an eye sore. Maybe it will come available in different colors? A black version would be nicer imo.

The Huge Materia arc in FF7 doesn’t really hold up and is probably my least favorite segment of the original game, with very specific exceptions (Cloud’s past). Where disc 1 was an edge of your seat riveting chase for Sephiroth and the truth, Disc 2 after meteor’s summoning was kinda bloated.

... that plot point wasn’t scrapped. You literally launch the rocket at meteor.

So what you’re saying is that MS’ IP doesn’t have the same cultural cache as IPs that were established long before the Xbox even existed..? Huh, whodathunk? Obviously MS’s characters can’t compete with Nintendo’s in terms of name recognition. Mario is the most famous videogame character of all time and has been around

“Why does it have to be a fighting game? Why can’t it be a kart rac-

People who judge games based on hour counts and map sizes might find Mirage to come up short. But for players who prefer games that don’t feel overstuffed with padding and side missions, Mirage will be a wonderful gift.”

I thought Odyssey was pretty but felt insanely bloated. I did the tombs and mythical things but the number of quests and stuff was ridiculous and I skipped most of it. Valhalla actually felt tighter to me, at least in the side content department, so I ended up 100%ing the map (although by the end I was pretty sick

I am turning 39 in two weeks, have a full time job, and a 6 year old. This year has been a procession of phenomenally generous games that immediately turn me into a ball of anxiety and shit because I just don’t have time to play them. I could damn near cry hearing that this game has manageable scope.

Was super excited about the viking game at first. Got 80 hours in and only explored half the map. Pushed an extra 20 hours and realized I was just not having fun anymore. The world is gorgeous and all, but geez is it just too damn big and too damn repetitive. Also the quality of sidequests varies so wildly you can

I only made it three regions into Valhalla and, while I don’t begrudge the fact Ubisoft made this wide world that some of its players could explore, I really wished it had offered a straightforward route through the story content and major landmarks.

Wait. Wait.