
I feel like this is critique is not this game’s fault for two reasons, it’s the first open world game in Star Wars history and set between ESB and RotJ and it’s about crime syndicates which operate in the outer rim and we’re not going to visit Tatooine or work for Jabba? Second, the games and media that came before it

It’s a shame that Star Wars continues to be a “story” and not a “setting”. I’m personally just tired of every single thing coming out having to tie back to the Skywalker story, it really ruins the sense of building a universe if everything all has to tie back to this one story for cheap nostalgia gains.

I don’t know why everyone seems to conveniently forget that Xbox had CoD on lock back on the Xbox 360 with the marketing and exclusive content and all that. Activision jumped ship to PlayStation along with millions of Xbox gamers when it was clear Xbox One was going to flop.

It didnt for minecraft in fact they released new versions of the game for newer consoles and two new titles in the franchise on playstation 4/5. They released Ori on switch along with the bards take remaster. Microsoft is a business and they look at the potential profits available and prioritize the most value for

Eh, I don’t know. Microsoft and its subsidiaries have made/are making virtually nothing I want personally.

Its not that I don’t think they should have fought this. But the grounds on which they fought were so stupid. I cannot believe they wasted any time on whether Nintendo should be included for example, and many other avenues of attack when there were legitimate pain points they could have poked at.

Higher prices happen regardless of consolidation. It’s called inflation. AAA games now cost $70 because publishers want more money. That fact has nothing to do with consolidation.

I really wish journalists like you were required to study at least a bit of basic anti trust and or economics.. and the history of the ftc before using a bizarre title like this. Good god it’s so painful to see this cringe worthy romanticism of anti trust from the teddy roosevelt era.. only instead of oil barrens with

yeah but they couldn’t have. the only argument they have is the same one the internet has - big tech bad big company bad muh late stage capitalism!!!

…not.. at all. i’m so amazed by how brain rot filled everyone is on this topic. the ftc had no case to begin with. this is a vertical merger. because COMPANY BIG!! theres all this horrendously cringe concern trolling about this deal (a deal already approved in 40 countries with no issues)

Yeah, it does seem a little unfair that we’re excluding, “FTC blasted by Congress and Gamers for doing their job [in such a piss-poor manner that a federal judge, you know, that person you were trying to impress, informed you as such.]” That feels like burying the lead, or at least, the byline. 

to be fair, the FTC did slack off when it came to building a case.  They did not build a strong enough one when even random internet commenters on twitter were able to build stronger cases than they did.  A lot of ire i have seen is directed at them for not going hard enough against microsoft and not building a strong

I’m as opposed to this merger on general, “Industry consolidation always hurts the consumers in the end.” grounds but like...

Lol I know this site leans left but wow. I think you need to do a little more research on Lina Khan. Even the people working for her aren’t happy. Her job isn’t to block every tech merger because she published a paper at Yale 5 years ago calling out Amazon. The whole argument against the Microsoft deal was nonsensical

They’re being rightly grilled.

I mean let’s all be serious, they did such a shit job it would have been cheaper to not do it at all. I’ve yet to see anyone call their strategy anything other than terrible. Even this site agrees it was bad. If you’re going to do your job, maybe don’t suck at it. 

#1 want - for the party members to be ACTUAL PARTY MEMBERS. To be able to see their details in the menu, equip them with gear, learn and customize their abilities and tweak their combat behaviour, maybe even switch to them for a change-up. Half your party members are Dominants who probably have flashy moves of their

Able to control more than one character!

Even if it’s behind XV, there’s no WAY the dev costs are as high for FFXVI. Yoshi-P turned this thing around in a respectable amount of time even with the pandemic, and marketing-wise XVI has been a lightweight compared to XV.

both the fourth and fifth movie feel like sheepish re-re-revisions of the fate of atlantis—like they secretly knew that the fate of atlantis was the story they should be making, but for one reason or another, couldn’t.