This. I also had zero patience for the BS “difficulty” spikes (read: one shots) that happen every time you beat a major dungeon/main quest.
This. I also had zero patience for the BS “difficulty” spikes (read: one shots) that happen every time you beat a major dungeon/main quest.
I love the game but simply don’t have time to do all the grinding Nintendo expects of me in their already 100+ hour game to get anything good.
A real fan would take the card and cast it into the fire.
We all know Sony only does artisanal, organic, free range studio acquisitions and exclusives so its OK.
All of this still seems to boil down to a double standard that is for Microsoft - Exclusives + bad, trying to drive Sony out of business. Exclusives for Sony - nothing to see here, move along.
Ethan, your fanboy is showing. Here’s the stuff that you left out. This case has done nothing but make the FTC look ignorant.
I just can’t understand fans inability to believe 2 character can just be friends. Like EVERY friendship seems like it MUST be a sexual relationship, it’s just strange, and a little creepy.
Talk about nonsense! It’s a videogame it doesn’t need to tick all the political checkmarks under the sun. You want to ship Sidon with Link? Go right ahead, hell Zelda’s ancestor Rauru is a furry! The game’s story is not going to stop you.
while the hardware is nearly identical the software isn’t. Sony has had a bug up their butt about doing things in the dumbest way possible under the hood for decades. for instance mod support for Fallout 4 was kneecapped by Sony’s requirement of all audio on the console using their proprietary audio format. meaning…
It’s fascinating to me that this “it’s not a REAL Final Fantasy!” discussion is coming off the recent release of FF7 Remake, and the even more recent trailer for part 2 which has only doubled-down on the action aspects...yet the reception for 7 was largely good (except from the traditionalists like myself who were…
This was filed end of day Friday, and after playing 10-15 more hours of Final Fantasy XVI over the weekend I’m more convinced than ever that:
1.) Purely on a vibes basis it’s the most FF-feeling FF since FFIX. There’s just so many old-school callbacks.
Honestly, it’s a great game.
I just miss having a party. And everything that comes with that. Party banter, managing equipment, planning out how a fight will go beyond ‘main guy swings sword.’
I miss thinking ‘I wonder if they’ll join my party!’ instead of ‘I wonder if they’ll die to motivate clive.’
I miss the sense of…
It’s all in the execution. The Celes thing just doesn’t work for me, but like I said, that’s a controversial opinion.
I think the real problem here is that company recently surrounded by a giant cloud of sexual assault allegations having a quest whose objective is making sure a sexual assault continues to happen is just a tad gauche.
I can’t imagine why Blizzard thought this was a good era of the timeline to revisit. WoW definitely doesn’t have the type of tone to successfully navigate such a story.
I mean if they didn't know they weren't paying attention to the mandatory quarterly reports they release for shareholders.
The junction system is fine. People are just really bad at knowing how to get magic quickly to use with it, and are bad at knowing what to do with it. Usually because they skipped the tutorial.
Nintendo doesn't sell at a loss. Sony and MS do however.
and they clearly did know this because the original game’s manual goes out of its way to say the brown worker tokens are not slaves
This honestly. Reddit and Discord killed regular forums to such an extent that, off the top of my head, very few games still have a regularly updated and used forum. My primary way of engaging with the FGO community (ree gacha player ree) was Reddit, because that was the primary place other players would gather.