
It’s unpopular and also missing important context about the pricing and context. Remember that Reddit only had value because these mods do millions of hours of work for absolutely no pay whatsoever. Reddit only has value because of their input. Also, Reddit isn’t merely charging enough to cover their costs, they’re

You know what’s more akin to a landed gentry? Corporate CEOs. The Reddit employees didn’t vote you, ya dickwad (insert Monty python reference).

You could drop the first word from this headline and it’s universally true.

Subreddits going dark for three days sends the message that whatever Reddit does, they’ll always come back.

Isnt the point to demonstrate how much of your website is user generated content, and how easy it is for a a handful of users (all who are pissed at you) to lock shit down?

I don’t even use anything impacted, and I’m just sick of this attitude. The lack of care, the ‘fuck the public’, the sheer arrogant contempt for others is not just nauseating but wearing.

It would have been amusing if there was a comment that Redfall was more financially successful than Hi-Fi Rush which ms saw as a financial failure.

Not to defend Redfall, I don’t really know why they would have included that game on a showcase about upcoming games?

Nah he uses ‘hazu’, so there is that implication of, she should be dead, but she aint.

no, just that Cloud has never had any idea how Tifa survived being slashed, so Sephiroth is sowing doubt about her identity. 

Sephiroth just wants Cloud to think he did kill Tifa 5 years ago (her getting slashed was the last thing Cloud saw), so that whoever he’s with now is an imposter that he can’t rely on about his own backstory.

The idea that they would reveal such a huge twist in a trailer is kinda silly.

It really doesn’t seem to me to be anything more than an extrapolation of the mind games Sephiroth was playing on Cloud throughout the first half of the original game.

The lines from Sephiroth in the footage seem to be aimed at Cloud, talking about an unnamed “she” that can mess with your mind or take the form of those you know or love.

The third installment of the FFVII Remake trilogy, currently unnamed, will be released in the future.”

“They had backup tapes—yeah, tapes, remember this was 1998—”

“No but see with this EA can allow you to resell the NFT to other people (they won’t) and they can let purchases carry over and be used in multiple games (they won’t)! Those are things you can’t do with a centralized database (you totally can)!”

We might not be living in the darkest timeline, but we are for sure living in the dumbest.

It was a movie that everyone knew would end up on Disney plus that no one asked for. It didn’t fit the tone and general aesthetic of the series it spun off of. Also it was released at one of the worst times ever for box offices. But sure it’s the gay relationship.

I feel like Lightyear had a poor performance because it had no idea what audience it wanted to direct itself towards. It was a complete reworking of a character to make him less fun, and the tone far more serious than it should have been. It’s plot was meh, it’s twists were meh, it lacked a whole lot of imagination,