Well, genocide has been brought up multiple times...surely that counts for something.
Well, genocide has been brought up multiple times...surely that counts for something.
Yeah, ditto.
Again, to be clear: the point of genetic screening and transferring a only a healthy embryo is to ensure it makes it to full term, and rules out certain diseases (obvious chromosomal abnormalities like down's syndrome, fragile x syndrome, etc.). There is no test for autism. At every point in the IVF cycle your genetic…
Apparently we are, because it was a terrible analogy.
Shut up.
I don't get why you're creaming yourself all over this thread.
You sound like a 12 year old that stumbled upon a book about infertility and decided he was an expert.
Thank you so much for saying this.
OMG, me too. "Mild cramps" they said. I was screaming, crying, and cussing. Worst pain of my life...until I did the egg retrieval.
You are wise to never vocalize that to her. It would break my heart if one of my friend's said that to me while I was going through it.
Yeah, this is the most asinine article I have ever read. This guy is a moron and I'd trust that charlatan psychic Sylvia Brown on her predictions of the future more than I would this guy's.
This thread jumped the shark.
50% according to my REI doc.
It doesn't matter whether every person would agree. The only thing that matters is the will and opinion of the woman and man responsible for being parents to the potential child.
Are you really likening autism to a case of teenage acne?
This is an article about IVF, which nobody seems to be remembering. The screening process is done at the embryonic stage, before it is transplanted into the uterus. Embryos with severe congenital disorders (or other chromosomal abnormalities) are less likely to be carried to term. When given the choice between a…
Yes, that's the only possible reason a woman would terminate in the case of Down's. Not because she knows they have a significantly lower quality of life, or that she might not feel she is not emotionally or financially capable of caring for a child with Down's, it can only be that she is so prejudiced and unloving.
With IVF chromosomal screening occurs after the egg is fertilized but before it is transferred into the womb. This is done to increase the chances of a successful, full term pregnancy. Women who have made it to IVF often have a history of failed pregnancies, and one way to counteract that is to prescreen for…
It would completely eliminate Down's.
Yes, of course you screen out all embryos with Down's, as well as other chromosomal markers for diseases. Why on earth would you implant an embryo you knew was positive for Down's? Down's is not the same as autism, and if one could screen out autism, there's nothing wrong with wanting to. There's nothing wrong with…