WTF are you talking about? I said if it bothers you, stay away from them. Find friends that don't whine. Or get over the ones that do.
WTF are you talking about? I said if it bothers you, stay away from them. Find friends that don't whine. Or get over the ones that do.
Actually, that research has been called into question by some academics who wanted to replicate the findings. They found a significant coding error, and didn't find the same results as the original researcher (Steven Levitt), essentially debunking that theory, or at least the evidence that lent to that theory.
FAIL THEM! (#*&$(#*@#&(*&(*
That's what I worry about when I see those. I had just finished a fertility treatment and am undergoing fertility treatments (for 6 years!) and when I see pictures of dead fetuses it triggers something in me that rages in a scary manner. Like, I scream at the people and I'm pretty sure I scared this one guy pretty…
Can I ask you all a question, some advice? So, I see these guys all over San Jose, and when I see it, I flip my shit, roll down my window and rattle their cages as much as I can (turns out I'm really good at it!). Is this wrong? How do other people handle it when they drive by a planned parenthood with some creeper…
As someone free to wear their pajamas until noon, I can tell you, it doesn't feel good.
Again, don't surround yourself with these kind of people. Its not that difficult. I have managed to avoid it, and I'm very depressed. I have also managed to avoid not driving people off by complaining about my problems.
It honestly just sounds like you have a lot of whiny, kind of assholish friends. I don't have this problem with any of my friends who are mothers (SAHM or otherwise). In fact, its the lack of complaints I find astounding. I'm like "aren't y'all tired?"
Made even more hilarious by the smiling family portraits surrounding it.
Even if it is a trend, it makes me uncomfortable to tell women not to talk about it. It's a women's issue, and therefore a feminist issue (its almost the ultimate feminist issue- the work vs SAHM internal struggle). Telling women to shut up just seems very anti-feminist to me. It reminds me of The Feminine Mystique.
Dude, I'm not saying any of that. More saying I can relate. Hell, I dropped out, I don't get any badges of honor. And I think it may differ by field, mine was a hell of a lot more supportive. We had people get married, have babies, etc. But we were expected to BE BUSY.
Oh, this is so delightful! I pray it is still up during Christmas, so that I can see it in person. Oversized butt plug, here I come!
You mean you're not?! Expect your child to end up in prison and on the dole unless you're making a cleverly designed cake that looks like something else (like a litter box!).
OK, that I can relate to. The doc busy wars! That's because you have to constantly bust your ass to get whatever little funding is available for your niche. And you don't want to be the loser without a publication.
Dude, did you ever think maybe it's your friends that are the problem? Like who you surround yourself with? None of fb friends constantly complain about mundane things because they have basic social skills. I doubt my friends' friends do either. Maybe you're just friends with this one annoying woman and its not a…
Seriously, who are these complainers on social media? All my facebook mom friends are happy little Sally Homemakers, and I'm like, come on guys, its not always that great, give me the real dirt (like I love Tracie Egan Morrissey). Maybe get new facebook friends if your's complain that much?
People who find basic tasks difficult have something wrong with them, usually depression. I have trouble with basic tasks because I have treatment resistant depression and a chronic pain condition and its a constant struggle, day to day. Why would somebody else's disability be annoying to you?
Their choices aren't entirely relevant to my point, I was more speaking to why, presumably, its only higher income brackets that "whine". I was merely referencing the "opt out" trend as an example of women who are choosing to be SAHM.
Why aren't more people recommending this awesome and hilarious post?
I cosign hardcore. What's worse than a complainer? Complaining about a complainer. A meta-complainer. A post modern complainer, if you will.