Ghost Writer

Two warnings: my brother, a history professor, tells me it’s not historically accurate, but I call bullshit. Is he trying to tell me Rasputin *didn’t* have a talking bat as a sidekick? Get real, professor!

Fun fact: I lost my virginity while watching Cruel Intentions on DVD in my girlfriend’s childhood bedroom.

Off topic, but skorts have been a lifesaver for me in dealing with my three year old daughter’s sudden and intense aversion to pants. She wants to wear a “beautiful dress!” at all times, but will compromise and wear a skirt. So I make sure all of her skirts are actually skorts et voilà, she’s not flashing everyone at

I am a firm believer in “you do you” parenting. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in three years of motherhood, it’s that we’re all just figuring it out as we go along, doing the best we can. Sometimes you try one approach, and it doesn’t work so you change course. I hate that we’ve become so used to the idea of

Thank you so much for providing this context! This really helps me to have a better understanding of the situation, and I appreciate you taking the time to share it. Having read the replies, I also want to say that I am so impressed with the way you taught yourself English - that is really impressive!

She was in a few episodes of Pretty Little Liars, but that was many seasons ago.

I like your style, and try to do the same myself. My daughter (3 years old) is great, and also a pain in the ass sometimes, but mostly great. I don’t care if anyone else is impressed or disgusted by the lunch I send to daycare, or that she goes to daycare, or anything else. I’ve also been really lucky to find a local

“Jezbians and their ilk are some of the worst people on Earth”. And yet, here you are, reading and commenting on a Jezebel article. Weird how that happens...

Definitely get nursing tanks, as some others have said. I liked the target ones the best (still wear them sometimes instead of a bra - kiddo weaned well over a year ago). Depending on where I was, I sometimes threw on a nursing cover - because of how baby ghost writer liked to be positioned, and the size/shape of my

Ned is literally my least favorite character in the entire series, for the reasons you describe. It’s all well and good to be “honorable” in the North, but in King’s Landing, that shit will get you killed, and you know it. And what good did it do? None. He didn’t even die for some great cause. Yet he goes around

I like to think that I’m one of the normal(ish) and fun moms. I can tell you in all honesty that if you were coming over for a play date with my daughter and asked these questions I would happily answer “no guns, yes vaccines, should we have coffee or wine while our kids play?” My guess is the only people who would be

I’m going to be the bigger person here and say that my comment about people potentially wanting to punch you in the face was inappropriate. I’m sorry for that.

Wow, that was a really offensive response. You’re obviously a troll, and I was planning not to engage with you further, but I can’t just let a comment like this slide without telling you what a fucking terrible human you are. I’m not interested in having a conversation about this, and you’ve been pretty clear that you

Cool, why don’t you just go on saying the same exact thing without any explanation for a while? That will definitely reach me a lesson! In the mean time, I’m going to go ahead and remove myself from this conversation. Bye!

Great, thanks. In the spirit of not letting anyone have any illusions. You’re being kind of an asshole. I’d say that you ARE an asshole, but I don’t know you, so it would be unfair to comment on anything other than your statements here.

Gee, thanks for that insightful response!

I was literally just coming here to say the same thing. Magic, also known as witchcraft, has historically been rejected by Christianity (see one billion examples of using “witchcraft” as an excuse to execute uppity women). I suppose it’s possible that the sponsor of this bill isn’t Christian, but he’s a Texas

I had a relatively simple solution to this. I had four “bridesmaids” my female cousin, a female friend, and my two brothers. I hate the idea that MY brothers should have to stand up for my spouse and not for me just because they're dudes. Also my spouse is a lady, so we could break the rules. Anyway, the “bridal

That’s correct, as far as we know publicly.

Neither Tegan nor Sara are trans, as far as we know.