Ghost Writer

I don’t know the exact wording of the statute, so I don’t know if this charge could be brought against an unlicensed practitioner. It seems like it would be relatively easy to make a legal distinction between unlawful termination and unlawful termination without the consent of the pregnant person, with different

I get what you’re saying on a moral level, but legally speaking, I don’t see how this can work. For legal purposes, the fetus is either a person, or it’s not. Otherwise, you’re essentially saying that the fetus is a person, but the mother can decide to take away it’s personhood. Unlawful termination seems like the

The biological imperative is not just to produce as many offspring as possible, it is to produce FERTILE offspring who live long enough to reproduce. Since human children are not able to survive on their own for many years after birth, it’s ideal that their mothers live 15+ years after birth. Absent that (if mother

As a full time employee, who had been with the company for over a year (and assuming the company has at least 50 employees) she should be entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). In adaddition to being just terrible behavior, I think that firing her is illegal. I’m not an

I don’t remember anyone being specifically concerned about what I was watching when pregnant (late 2012 - early 2013). But I’m not really surprised to hear that this is a thing people worry about. It seems like it’s just another way that pregnant women and mothers can’t win. Watch the show and you’re exposing the baby

Okay, so you’re saying “members of X group can’t be oppressed because there are many examples of successful people from X group.” Then how can you argue that white people are harmed or oppressed by the term “white privelage”? After all, there are many, many successful white people in America.

Yeah, the main appeal of Rashida Jones (for me) was that Leslie loved her so much on Parks and Rec. I feel like their friendship was more of a character than Anne herself. And Rashida Jones did a fine job of playing that part, she just wouldn’t have drawn me in on her own, whereas Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope would

This. The entertainment industry (and the world at large) is unfair to women, AND it is unfair to People of Color. Some people actually fall into both of those categories and experience even more discrimination because of it (intersectionality is a thing!) These movements for equality aren’t in competition to see who

It depends on the kid. You start with foods that are quite soft, like avocado or cubes of roasted sweet potato. As they get better at those things you can slowly start adding foods that are a little harder. That said, like all parenting philosophies, Baby Led Weaning is wonderful for some people, and just doesn’t work