
My dad never owned a cool car. He had shit like this Dodge Aspen wagon. The lesson?... buy a cool car at least once in your life. It doesn’t have to be expensive or rare... just something fun to drive.

I believe people with a $40k/yr job already pay more than that for big trucks and do so all the damn time. Especially in western NC. Hell, people with $25k/yr jobs are buying $40k trucks.

New Jersey.

Could set a good precedent. Next up, free beer required by water fountains. 

Alfa Romeo. Beautiful.

Is there any way to get some kind of follow up? It’d be sweet to find out which CVT equipped CUV the people from these articles end up buying.

That Solstice looks like it was painted with an old roller.

She was going to tell him to put his hands back on the wheel, but mother always told her not to talk with her mouth full.

You’re absolutely right; do you also like projectile vomiting and shitting your pants? You’re in luck!

uh...yeah, they do.


What? An Audi that isn’t black/white/silver or 50 shades of grey?

Wouldn’t it be awesome if he used an E-bike to travel around selling E-bikes? Like design a chariot of E-bikes, that can haul a trailer full of E-bikes. He could be like the Santa of E-bikes… ring, ring… hear those bike bells ring. 

seriously? of all the things you could complain about in speed racer, you choose the frickin’ colors?

Now this is a gofundme I could get behind.

I like the idea but...well, I gotta point out that a large proportion of these knuckle-dragging troglodytic idiots have guns.

Sometimes more than once...

It’ll probably look a lot like Lord of the Flies with some elements of Tiger King thrown in. 

If this movement needs a new face, I hear Adolf Sitler is available.