
I have to travel to the home of the UConn Huskies fairly frequently for band practice.  I keep the basketball schedules handy so we don’t get stuck in that mess... again.  Nothing like having a land-grant agricultural school turn into a mecca of basketball.  It’s exactly where an Ag school should be, out in some great

Go watch some of the videos with the sound off and listen to something else.  My ears don’t like her music, but my eyes seem to like what’s going on.

Sure, some places in the country we can get closer to that, but most others are too spread out. At that point it comes down to what’s actually feasible. What’s easier? Massive public transit projects or training and testing drivers?

Goes right back to re-training. If the either driver can not show they are proficient enough to operate the transit machine / human crusher, ask some basic questions like: do you really need to drive the car, can you actually be trained to drive the car correctly, do you actually have a need to drive the car and do

We as a nation need to do better with driver training and re-testing of drivers. I get it, this is a huge country and there aren’t public transit options everywhere so that does leave many people without options if they can’t get a license.

Yes and no. Seeing it on that deck with other aircraft kind of puts the size of some of these planes into perspective. I saw the SR-71 on the Intrepid and had never realized just how small the thing was.

Don’t forget, guns get real rusty in water. If the ammo for the gun gets wet, it may also not work. Plus, it’s hard for a pair of saggy ass shorts to actually hold up any sort of pistol. Just judging from what I saw on the clip, those clowns don’t go boating very often because they left any weapons they owned right

You sure he wasn’t just trying to fan them with some cool air and missed?  Maybe his glasses fell off?

Was watching the news this morning, in the original video, the hat toss guy is the CO-CAPTAIN of the river boat. So that gives a bit more context as to why so many of the crew (aka Samuel L. Swimson) jumped ship to help.

Repeated surgeries, too much Botox, too much work done, getting cheap work done. I have a co-worker who’s had so many butt-lifts I swear she must need custom made pants. It AIN’T pretty either. Big? Yes. Misshapen? So misshapen you could tell from 50 yards away after 5 hard drinks. So misshapen that you’d probably

Did you see the comical re-enactment done poolside?  If not, go watch that... just make sure to hit the bathroom first or you might just wet yer pants laughing. 

Yeah, there’s one dude down the street who routinely does that in the winter. But there’s a company tucked back behind my house that was the worst offenders. One day, it was like 10 F outside, I walk into my attached garage, all the windows and doors are shut and I smell diesel exhaust and can hear the truck running.

What is probably happening is that these choads let their trucks idle too long or don’t drive enough on the highway and they’re getting too much build up in the catalysts. The controls aren’t unreliable, it’s the nut behind the wheel who can’t be bothered to follow the instructions in the big book in the glove box.

You’ll be happy to know that the ‘civil fine’ they speak of is always an EPA mandated environmental project of some kind. The state that this happens in usually suggests what they want done.

I didn’t know about the cable stretching thing.  Already had over 140k on a TDI and got a GPS.  Figured it was reading wonky, showed 75 mph, speedo showed 65 mph.  Much later on, odometer showed I would need a new timing belt in about 30k miles, but there was a strange noise under the hood.  Got a new Jetta TDI, put

Nah, that’s flat out more than enough. No bonus mentioned in your regular contract but the artist goes out of their way to give each driver $100K. You bust your ass for 4 months along with 49 other drivers and the show goes on without a hitch at each stop and instead of the normal “Thank you” at the last show, or some

That’s not even exaggerating it a bit.  The majority of the comments... just eww.

Different motor, so not exactly.  In my experience with VW’s, as long as you keep up with the maintenance, it’ll survive way longer than you expect.  And the diesels will last way longer than you want them to.  Just make sure to replace the stretched speedometer cable or the mileage shown will be 10-20% off and if it

Sometimes those fancy boat clubs (yacht clubs) also have facilities to teach learners how to sail. You don’t learn how to sail on a big boat, you learn on a dinghy.  Olympic sailing classes still include some of these small boats, like a Laser.  The Laser you find on Craigslist will be a far cry from the same boat

Agreed.  And Ford also turned his nose up at the thought of incorporating VW.  That part I’m kind of happy about, they would have done something stupid with VW.