
They did but it was referred to as a ‘sinhole’

As if anyone in the 1950s actually knew what a vagina looked like.

Fucking amateurs.

The Mustang has a lower carbon emission than the first two. The Mustang eliminates the carbon emissions standing on the sidewalk.

Looks like less of a tool than this guy:

I am sure he gives a shit what you think about it for sure.  I know I sure care if you think it’s a good Idea that I upgrade the turbo on my GTI or not.  Sometimes I cannot sleep at night wondering what others will think about my personal choices.


What ever happened to Jimmy in portfolio management?

What a difference a space (or lack thereof) makes

Driving back to my hotel in Laval after working as a photographer at 24hrs of Le Mans, ended up having to swerve to avoid two horses humping in the middle of the road.

(whispers) Ironically,Melania said the same thing too...

Stupid stance trend needs to die. 

Yes everyone agrees you shouldn't throw things at people's things. now that that's out of the way can we talk about how murder isn't an appropriate response?

I mean, it’s obviously an inappropriate response

But is she single? 

You really have to lean INTO the death-roll.

Did you just victim blame a highway?

I hate those so much. It’s like, “hey my large truck already extends past the white lines because I don’t wanna pull all the way in. But hey, lemme keep this long hitch on so I can stick out a whole two feet out into this crowded, cramped garage.”

It’s actually state law in PA that if you aren’t towing, the hitch needs to be removed (if removable). Nobody enforces the law that I know of, but it’s there.