
Well, at this rate, since my wife has been working from home since March of 2020, we’ll send her car. And we’re actually planning on going to Hawaii... well, we had planned on going this past January but that obviously didn’t happen. But if this is still going on when we finally do go, we either purchase something to

Or you’re dealing with bigger temperature differences between your breath coming through the mask and the temperature of your lenses. I don’t have an issue indoor, but if I get out of my car in the morning and put the mask on before I get inside, FOG. Once inside I’m all good. Winter has sucked.

“...always feels a little sticky.” Glad I’m not the only one... and it’s FUGLY AF.

Well, it’s only about $2,400 to ship a car round trip from California to Hawaii through Matson shipping. So depending on what it would cost to ship your car from home to the Matson port in California and back, a one week vacation may be a wash, but 14 days @ $722 will run you $10k for a rental or just ship your car,

Try living near New York or Boston. I can call literally ANY business to ask a question or place an order and give them Ed or Edward and it’s instantly, “Hey Eddie!” The first couple of times it was amusing, then it kinda started to bother me... at this point, why bother, it’s just Eddie in whatever the local accent

That’s not a bridge too far... they don’t have respect for non-white people so they are going to go out of their way to show that. Now in the past that was all fine and dandy, they’d all get together at the Klan meeting later and laugh about how they put that (I’m not writing it out, you know) womern in her place.

Why paint such a broad stroke? Why is it so hard for racist assholes to stop being racist assholes? Probably also fits to other groups too, but this was just obvious racist, asshole behaviour. I graduated from college and then worked in research at the same college (and I’m white) so regardless of your skin color or

Some of his stuff is almost criminally genius. And the “Humpty Hump” is both genius and hilarious. I can’t even put into words how to describe it, but the entire thing is genius. “Pronounced with an Umpty” indeed.

Well... like the old saying goes, “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.”

I’m going to need to get one of these to put the flywheel on my 72 bug. For some magic reason, the flywheel doesn’t have a bunch of bolts, it has a bunch of steel dowels and ONE gland nut that requires approximately 275 ft/lbs of force. Using an impact tool apparently generates too much heat and will make it seem

The Grosjean incident tops that list. But you’re right. It saved Alonso at least once. I love that picture of him peeking out over the top of the newspaper with the huge front page headline that reads, “LUCKIEST MAN ALIVE!”

Sure, but when you have that many containers stacked, what, like 10 high, unlocking them from each other and a bit of a push and they’re coming down (gravity is your friend). You can get creative using on board winches and start flooding parts of the ship to give it some angle of list. Since you’re going to be sinking

I used to work for a hazardous waste company and got called to a private school by the director of the science department.  They wanted us to look at everything they had and help make the place safer.  Most of the stuff was typical high school science stuff... except the 10 pounds of magnesium. I explained that I

Well, PM me your address (if that’s even possible) and I’ll send you a fire blanket. It’s old, but there’s no mouse turds in it.  The bracket for the case broke so I just ordered new ones with new cases.

Now playing

It can... but it burns WAY better when mixed with equal parts of aluminum powder. Then it’s called Thermite and you can use it for all sorts of stuff. Tain’t something to casually play with either, especially indoors or near anything with an ignition temperature under 4,000 degrees F.

I highly suggest something bigger and a bit more, shall we say, frisky. Like a bobcat. Plus, a bobcat will be able to support the added weight of a wireless camera so you can enjoy the spoils of your hard work and maybe share them anonymously with the rest of the world.

They’ve had those for ages... all you need to do to disable it is unplug it. Like a clutch interlock on older cars that required you to have the clutch in to start it.  I disabled a bunch of those over the years.

The seat/kill doesn’t bother me as much as the ‘push to engage’ button to prevent you from backing over babies, dogs and cats. I have none of those things on my lawn so if any of them are present then they are trespassing and get what they get if I back up with the blades engaged.

Yes and no... the Hyundai system won’t steer the car so it’s just going to drive you straight into whatever is in front of you.  Probably only good if the alignment is super straight and you have a long enough road with no turns.  But in the end, it’ll just do what the Tesla did over the weekend and crash straight

That’s the kind of thing you do during one of the big Muslim holiday things when everyone is doing something else and not paying much attention. You do it at night, after you’ve been stuck for at least a few months.