Ahhh, duly noted. Others are noting it’s the ability to change your display name which does seem to truly be a stupid thing to allow.
Ahhh, duly noted. Others are noting it’s the ability to change your display name which does seem to truly be a stupid thing to allow.
Can’t we just save them and use them to give Tucker an enema? Don’t know if I’d go wading into a pool of tears from white people who would be crying from this... those folks DEFINITELY didn’t get vaccinated.
Those, the Lotus tails up above and the circular Corvette lights are simple but so cool.
Not exactly easy, I could turn around and create a new account Steve_Vicious or Steve V1cious or any other combos like adding in another space or a period and the computer sees those at totally different user names while a quickly scanning human brain will see them as identical. There’s probably other things you can…
I will order a case of Dom so I can celebrate the entire week. Probably hand a couple of those bottles out to friends. And for the evening he’s dumped in the ground, I will be hiring a professional company for a firework display for the entire town.
Come on! The story of how it crumbled into pieces when he was attempting to winch it out of the woods after it died will be priceless!
Fuck that’s funny!
Read that... why would you do that?
Oh come on, he bumped his head on the tail fin after jumping out of the open cockpit of a burning plane as it was falling to Earth. That’s not dangerous at all... getting into a submarine after landing in waters that were controlled by the Japanese fleet, that sounds dangerous.
Try filling a sock with ground coffee (for this purpose, cheap coffee works just fine). Just toss it under a seat, or if you have a hatchback, in the hatch area. Got the idea after my wife asked a friend who worked at a dealership how they deal with cars people had smoked in. Answer was they threw a huge 50 pound sack…
Maldonado could qualify, he’s got the goods.
Star for use of ‘knob’.
Yeah, but poking a rabid bobcat definitely tops poking a bear on the list of dumb shit you can do with a stick.
You know that’s an easy fix right? You just need to periodically pinch the drains so they don’t stick. I just to add Armor-all and that totally solved the issue. But man, the first couple of times it happened drove me nuts.
Well, maybe. But there’s been a container shortage for months so maybe not. When everything got locked down, most of the containers got stuck in China.
Please man, have some manners and give the Queen some time to grieve. I’m sure she’ll dispatch the Royal Navy to fix this shit in a week or two and get some heads rolling for the trouble.
That’ll depend on how expensive his bad driving gets. If he costs the team more than daddy is paying them he’ll get the boot. You can’t just wipe out the entire bank account.
Pretty much true, but in New Bedford, MA they have a community sailing center that exists to teach city kids how to sail. More stuff like this is definitely needed.
Dude, it already exists and it’s called the Ferrari Drivers Challenge.