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With a majority of men, public shaming works wonders. They never expect you to raise your voice or point at them or announce what they did. With these men, they go into immediate denial or get off at the next metro stop, hanging their heads.

I have the utmost respect for women

Don’t feel bad for the sake of your children: keeping your distance means keeping a shitty person out of their lives. No grandfather is way better than a shitty one.

This is a tough one and I’m sorry you have to deal with it. I have no advice except maybe pivot a little on your statement that you worry you might be robbing your children of their grandfather. In truth your father robbed them of their grandfather with his despicable actions. You did nothing to deserve this. Good

Have I ever committed armed bank robbery? No, I haven’t.

Hey, Diggs is only an ARMED BANK ROBBER. So let’s all band together to make sure he gets a fresh start ASAP.

I think America is more SEXIST than people realized. After all, a black man got elected twice. It was the white, very qualified, woman who was beaten by the baboon in a bad wig.

I won’t say that the people who actively, knowingly worked to set up women to be assaulted by Weinstein and/or worked to smear and silence them afterwards are AS BAD as Harvey, but they’re close. True change has to take down at least a few of these bottom feeders as well. If not, the support machinery that creates and

Am I the only one that thinks Cardi B’s hit song is complete crap? I really don’t get the love.

Sooooooo, a story critical of prisons that’s sourced entirely from unverified anecdotes from convicted felons. Color me shocked. Good hire, Splinter!

Libertarian needs help.

News at 11.

See that thumbnail up there on the trailer? The three grown, talented actresses who surely don’t need money this badly? That’s all I need to know about this movie to know I’ll never watch it. At least Bad Santa and Bad Teacher were legitimately bad at being those things. The Bad Moms just booze it up and say fuck

Harassment is not in the eye of the beholder and I don’t believe that you were accused of harassment just for holding the door for a woman. I think that’s a story you are telling yourself and that there is more to it or that you just made it up altogether.

Men: Stacking the deck against women since time began.

It makes me wonder how many men deny opportunities to young women or attractive women specifically because they are attracted to them.

Guys who harass us on the street aren’t really trying to be charming, it’s about *power* and owning the public space. We are mere guests in our own cities, tolerated by men - if we comply. I don’t have to smile, I don’t have to answer, I just want to use the streets to walk or get somewhere, sometimes.
I’ve been

Sometimes I am just blown away by the financial differences in this world. 5 million to “keep afloat.” Is that like a normal person income amount equivalent to $5000? $50,000?

Stop this! No one is asking for perfection. We’re asking would you please, Mr./Mrs. Candidate stop pandering to people who think your base is made up of lazy, worthless, colored people whose lives don’t matter. That’s actually the least we can ask for from a “progressive” candidate - the very least.

“Like him or loathe him, Sanders did more to energize divide the voting left than anyone else has done recently.”