
Who thought that forcing teenage girls to change next to men is a good idea?

Yes they do. It’s not just a “Romance language thing” (for example, Slavic languages have that too).

German is a grammatically gendered language. So yes, they have feminine/masculine designations for words.

It actually makes complete sense once you realize that feminism today is just the patriarchy in sheep’s clothing. The only women’s issues that matter are issues that “help men too”. Feminists have convinced themselves that men are somehow “victims” of the patriarchy who must be rescued because apparently it makes men

Stop this bullshit already. Males are not suffering because women are beaten, raped, or killed.

Sorry Sarah, but unfortunately, whenever Westerners here the fucking phrase it’s usually because a bunch of us were slaughtered under the guidance of your retrograde religion.

Amen is, well, amen in Islam.

“I doubt very much that Taibbi is.”

He admit it himself, multiple times in a book he co-authored. #believemen

You don’t think that rape is an “actual evil”? ok.

The “actual abuse of actual women” is perpetrated by males like Taibbi. I have no doubt that the events described in the book took place because, as I said in another comment, abuse of Russian women by Western males was a documented phenomenon.

I don’t think its satire. Western males preying on women from ex-Soviet countries following the collapse of the USSR was a pretty noticeable phenomenon. The 90s in Russia were basically lawless and gang-dominated.  

He claims its “satire” because in the book he admits to multiple rapes (including to that of an underage girl). What do you expect him to say? “Yes, I’m a rapist?”.

This is sarcasm, right?

Another male Broadly writer bites the dust?

Those 16 million children go hungry everyday so you can live your comfortable Western lifestyle.

The crazy is strong with this one (and by this one, I mean you).

Checked what? Proper sentencing process?

I don’t care about “the media who turns these cases into titillation, and the morons who push the “his buddies congratulate him” bullshit””.

I do not understand why people continue to make statements about law processes when they don’t understand how those processes works.