Nicole Watterson

OH LORD Gigi’s walk is sooo dull. Seriously, zero energy. Like a powered down Barbie doll.

A better term would be “It Girls.” Don’t you think? They are just the current flavor.

Tyra Banks was not a supermodel. She was a swimsuit model. She did very little print work, mostly Cover Girl. Her biggest career was with VS, and even then she was known more in the US than worldwide. Tyragate.

I agree. If any of these new girls are supermodels, it’s Cara Delevingne. She’s crazy privileged, but she’s talented and captivating enough to be successful without her wealth/connections. Gigi and Kendall are good enough, but can’t hold a candle to Cara.

Bring it on, bitches

Personally, I feel like supermodels was a term given to the models of the early 90s - Christy, Naomi, Helena, Tyra, Stephanie, Cindy, etc. So, no, Kendall and Gigi are not supermodels. Seriously, though, have you seen Gigi’s walk? Go find a video of it. Then find a video of Naomi’s walk. That’s the difference between

Criticism is not cyberbullying. Someone saying a thing you don’t like is not cyberbullying. Someone who disagrees with your opinion is not cyberbullying you. Poor little muffin, this is probably the first time someone’s ever made a joke at her expense! That she heard about, anyway.

Love that her response included the term “cyberbullying”


We all know how the last supermodel war ended.....

Shut up Kendal. The only reason you’re a “model” is because you’re related to the Kardashians. Just bask in your luck and stop whining about perceived slights.

That dog has way better hair. Does Donald want his hair brushed? Let’s get the brush! Oh, Donaldsagoodboyohyesheis!!

The red phone is going to be a Virtu Signature Diamond.

Hmmm, here’s my take:

Even Homer Simpson would make it to day 30.

Then he needs a yuuuge keyboard, given his fat fingers.

Day 17. Putin has been talking smack about me. A couple of nukes will let him know who’s boss.

chris christie is typing it. he's back from mcdonalds and had nothing else to do

Mookie the Wonder Corgi is here to help battle your existential crisis. At least, once he’s done napping

The exact opposite, in NYC. Women are legally allowed to be topless there. This guy, the police are seeking.