Nicole Watterson

That fact NEVER stops blowing my mind!!

I love the ‘you stole my dancers’ argument... As if the dancers are her friends in kindergarten that girlfriend stole and not adult professionals with minds of their own, career plans & rent to pay

Taylor Swift and Adele are the same age. Let that sink in.

Ive heard she has a cat named Kitty Purry. Which, if its true, is hands down the best thing she has ever done IMO.

“Cause baby now we got bad blood, you know it used to be mad love, so take a look what you’ve done, ‘cause baby now we got bad blood.”

Pop by John Mayer— it smells like cherries!

I’m not sure that’s a diss. If we’re gonna go mean girls, wouldn’t like ... Virginity by John Mayer be a bigger payoff?

I’m not misinterpreting it.

Thank you. Your opinion is really important to me.

The point is that there is a standard. There is an “ideal woman.” And she is as close to it as a person can get. It’s very cool that she recognizes that in reality that ideal is unattainable, but she exploits the fantasy nonetheless. That’s her right and her prerogative, and she’s certainly allowed to complain about

Would that be Azalea Banks mild alter ego?

Or maybe people who have more than 140 characters’ worth of stuff to say should find a more appropriate platform?

Twitter may have given her the means to reach the maximum amount of people but it’s a really awkward way to communicate longer deep thoughts.

Not Rita Ora.

Wait, is there a woman in the entertainment industry who shies away from (or is even allowed to shy away from) “use of her image and sexuality as a part of [her] artistry”? Like, gimme a break, Art Tavana. You just wanted to talk about your boner. But also, yawns all around. The only lady I care about who uses sex in

Terrible pop music.

I’m sorry I’m so uncool, but who is this person and why is she famous?

I am NOT a think piece. I am NOT a fucking example - but please please please, don’t stop writing about me...

And here I thought “Netflix and chill” involved lying alone on the couch on a Friday night in sweatpants, with a quart of Häagen-Dazs Banoffee and the remote. I was supposed to be having sex???