Nicole Watterson

You didn’t read my comment, did you?

According to Wikipedia, Maghreb, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia and even the most liberal Muslim country, Turkey - ALL have honor killings.

To use on moi or Thimbleberry?

So! Guilty!

I don’t think that straight people are all homophobes and I am a vehement opponent of identity politics, but I cannot stand the assumption that someone who is, as you say, frothingly anti-gay is a closeted fag.

Hahahaha, “Hair Führer” is fucking hilarious!

There are people who genuinely believe that garbage. Maybe he’s a troll, but I don’t think that he is. We’re on Jezebel after all...

You didn’t read any of my comments, did you?

And what’s the common denominator between Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and other regions in the Muslim world?

I’m actually Eastern European, so no Western superiority here. I welcome any and all criticism of my country (Macedonia) with opens arms.

Hahahaha, “not exceptionally misogynist”! Am I supposed to ignore all of the misogyny and homophobia (I cannot even imagine what would have happened to this girl had she been a lesbian) in the Quran and treat Muslims with kids gloves because some orange cunt decided they were the perfect scapegoat to get him in the

Combine identity politics with White Guilt™ and the result is as Sam Harris describes it, the soft bigotry of low expectations.

That’s identity politics for ya. “These people are more oppressed than I am, therefore I must not criticize them”. Christians are not oppressed, therefore one’s allowed to criticize them. Muslims are and are therefore sacred cows. Examples of these politics are visible *everywhere* on Jezebel...

Truly a White Savior™, a kinight in shining armor! A protector of Third World People! A champion of the oppressed - except for those that get burned alive, decapitated, thrown off buildings or worse...

I’ll punch whichever culture I deem fit. You can take your White Savior™ ass elsewhere.

First of all, my criticism of Islam is not criticism of all Muslims. Why? Because religious people (of all religions) cherry-pick what they like about their respective religion and ignore the unsavoury stuff that they don’t like, like for example the fact that Muhammad raped a young girl. Cognitive dissonance and

I was going somewhere else with my comment - overpopulation, global warming, lack of fossil fuels, lack of drinking water, etc.

It’s certainly a cause, but only a part of the reason why this atrocity happened. And she certainly didn’t love her daughter.

I’d say that with the way we treat our planet, we’re going to be in a significantly worse situation in 100 years, not better.

To say that “she loved her daughter”, but the culture of shame made her do it, is nothing more than making excuses for unforgivable behaviour. No matter how indoctrinated someone is, it takes a special kind of evil to burn your child alive.