Not hard. I’m sure it was in the deal to put Spider-Man in the MCU.
Not hard. I’m sure it was in the deal to put Spider-Man in the MCU.
Ha, I KNEW it was gonna be this song when I saw the title of this thread. Man, that scene was such a great slow burn. Such a great show. Ansari and co really went into depths of storytelling - I loved it. The last episode might have been the weakest, but other everything was firing on absolutely all cylinders.
Final Fantasy VIII remake....
I think Death Becomes Her is an amazing, cutting satire with something great in it every minute and would never call it clunky.
On the PC they altered the way characters move earlier this year. There were originally infinite dashes previously - now dash powers (or teleport powers) have a set number of charges that slowly build back up over time. They also changed how heroes level up to add more freedom of choice, limited all heroes to only…
This isn’t really an MMO in any traditional sense. This is basically Diablo, but occasionally other players will be on large maps with you and you can group with them if you like. Or just go about your business. I can’t really speak for the console version, but it’s the same game as the PC pretty much - just slimmed…
I love the new changes this year and to call them a nerf is egregious, but to each their own. I really dig the game now more than ever and I’ve been playing since closed beta.
Are you thinking of former house rep of Illinois Joe Walsh who wanted war with Obama and BLM?
I will say I do like Snatch a bit more, but I think Rocknrolla is a severely underrated Guy Ritchie film since Snatch and Lock Stock tend to get more recognition in terms of his crime movies.
Yup. This is clearly the case of different art direction and nothing more. Not that the theory isn’t fun - Hunk was always a cool side character and this would be a neat new way for him to pop up.
I still prefer him as Captain Cold. They really need to bring him back full time on those shows instead of the cameos we’ve been getting this season.
It is stressful in a sense, but I do enjoy this game a lot overall. Actually once I got to the higher bracket of play I started to lose interest a bit since there wasn’t as much of climb anymore. To a degree I need the next set to come out to see what there is to adapt to. So breeding those stressful situations (i.e.…
How dare they steal my literotica stories and profit off them....
As popular as VIII? Ha! I wish... I really do wish VIII was popular. Recognizable maybe. It’s rarely liked, let alone loved on the level of 7 or even other installments.
He’s kinda like this:
Too .... different? The point of 9 was that it went back to the FF1 - 5 era. That was half the series at that point. Even by then fans were fractured by the direction 6, 7 and 8 moved the franchise in.
Clever. I’m still trying to get over Godzilla and Jezebel being in the same place at the same time. These are two vastly different interests of mine joining together. These are strange times.
They mention the 13 darkness things and 7 lights in the recap. They literally recap everything (save the time travel which.... that was just nonsense that takes away from the story for every fan so I’m sure it’ll only get casual mention at some point to remind that fanbase of horrible choices that were made). I feel…
It’s funny because at the end of 0.2 they totally gloss over DDD because it was so unimportant. They give quick recap that literally boils down to- Master Xehanort is still bad and has an evil plan. Sora (pointlessly) failed the Mark of Mastery Exam, but he’s still the main character and is the best chance to beat…
I’m more excited for the CinemaSins video of this movie than I am the actual movie itself.