I can’t watch 3D. Not without riskof serious migraine anyway. So it’s either dark and dingy or clear, but painful for me. The least the theater can do is remove the lens for standard showings.
I can’t watch 3D. Not without riskof serious migraine anyway. So it’s either dark and dingy or clear, but painful for me. The least the theater can do is remove the lens for standard showings.
Yup! Some total bullshit. I Notice it every single time it happens.
-Was my theater having issues or is this movie really that visually dark and washed out looking?
Gay male prostitutes. Let’s face it:: he’s one of those homophobes....
Your winnings, sir!
Probably one of those gay vampires Anne Rice used to write about
He constantly looks like he’s seen some next level horror movie shit this past week.
Yup. Trump was great for ratings for everyone. Now they want to complain. Don’t get me wrong - I despise his horrific rhetoric. But some of this is on the media and entertainment industry for trying to bilk money out of what they though was a joke and thus building him up. It ended up being a very dangerous joke that…
Maybe this got said down thread and I missed it, but it bears repeating: Republicans HATE Clooney. He’s like the “Liberal Hollywood” posterboy to them. Putting him in charge of anything, let alone the country, would drive them up the wall that they’re pretending will get built using another nation’s money.
I miss the Tron franchise in general. The best Disney has given us since Legacy is a roller coaster.... in the Shanghai Disney resort...
I hope you’re wrong. I hope you’re able to find some peace too. Thanks for your time.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I have to stand by my previous statement. Even if my hopes are a lie, it’s one of the few things keeping me going right now. My mental health is shot - long, long before this election too - and I can’t stand the thought of humanity being as awful as I fear and as you say.
Honorable mention - the space mice from Voltron
Damn it, man. I don’t need to sob anymore today than I already have.
Probably. I’ve been lamenting the last several hours that I’ve not been “savage” enough recently. Too idealistic. But at the same time a lot of racism, a lot of this election, is fueled by ignorance and I have to believe that ignorance can be reversed - because if I don’t believe in that than I’m switching from whisky…
A lot of our fellow citizens are dumb as shit it appears, but I’m hoping that it’s because they’re gullible and were hoodwinked into supporting an outcome they don’t really understand the repercussions of.
Society just evolved too fast for some people. They’re fueled by legitimate fear from illegitimate sources. Society moves at the slowest members’ pace, not the other way around. Like a tether ‘ s two ends snapping back together.
People with less intellect/schooling who are angry about being called out on their stupidity over the last few years came out in droves to support a dangerous person. This on top of party supporters who won’t change views: staunch social conservatives and fiscal conservatives. Throw in some 3rd party protest votes…
Bush’s idiocy and Obama’s exploitation of it seem quaint in comparison to Trump’s maliciousness though. I do however appreciate the sentiment.
It was a great delivery too. He had difficult segueing into the portion of the show about his wife’s passing, but he really won the audience over. Especially by that line.