
I was at the show. You could tell a few times how he was working through some really, really difficult stuff. Most of it stuck though, even if he wasn’t back to 100% like he said. You could tell a lot of audience was having trouble gauging certain punchlines at times when he got into the stuff with his wife - but it

Holding those views versus using those views as a political platform to gain power are entirely different things. Like not even remotely close. I’m sure a lot of politicians sadly have those ideals still and some use them on the to certain degrees, but Trump lead the charge on his campaign with his racist insanity and

Yeah, I’m having similar issues with the first thing you brought up. The world is still a physical space. Just how much are these people paying per visit? There’s tons of issues. What if someone falls of their horse? Shit, gets to drunk and falls down stairs? Humans have plenty of ways of dying alone. The park seems

The one from Gate bothered the shit out of me. Can’t remember the name either. But yeah it’s the example that always comes to mind of flat out terrible excuse to put pedo shit in an otherwise (mostly) decent show.

It’s “piqued” but in the case of Ty Lee it might as well be “peaked” ....

But they’ll also make a shitload of money with this. So... take the evenbigger win, Disney! Eventually you’ll have so much damn money you’ll produce a 3rd Tron movie that only I show up to see.

I really don’t care. Disney can do whatever they want with their IPs. Maybe they’ll make money on remaking everything until they are out of stuff to remake and finally come full circle back to Tron. Remake it.

DP is understandable, but is Wolverine even that big of a draw anymore? If it weren’t for the brown/gold costume and the fact that he’s sporting Juggernaut’s head I feel like he just doesn’t have the same pull anymore.

Fact: every bit of X-Men merchandising needs more Nightcrawler.

Your winnings, sir.

hmm... I’m not sure anyone can help with what you find (or don’t find) funny. You like what you like and that’s about it. If you don’t like the conceit of “mockumentry” style productions I’m not sure it’s worth your time. The genre is fairly similar across most films (unlike something like “horror” movies that have

It’s sunlight. The blanked out word is sunlight.

From the greys with love. +1

And child brides aren’t rape victims?

Good call on the Erased suggestion. For once I felt like we were breaking away from a lot of anime-isms the medium has been focusing on as late to amp up the broad appeal overseas.

Yeah it’s clearly there, just not as pronounced as the 80s homages obviously. It’s a really solid blend.

And despite being nearly indistinguishable from everything else that’s come out it’ll be in Kotatku’s Top 5 Anime of Summer 2016.

Steve has a surprisingly strong character arc.

Interestingly enough when I was watching it I got a very anime vibe from Stranger Things. It could have easily worked as a 12 - 16 episode anime. I kept thinking “I wish anime would do more stuff like this” too because I’ve become a very disillusioned anime viewer. The medium has become very stagnant and monotonous

Ryan Lochte is in this game?