As awful as it will be for him and his partner?
As awful as it will be for him and his partner?
Do North or Saint know or understand that they’re getting a baby sister and if so, are they wondering why the only change in their mother’s appearance has been the lank blond hair?
Great setup! Their planning was immaculate:
I still don’t understand the obsession with Pippa’s dress. I hated it.
When you are purposely trying to get pregnant, seeing other folks get pregnant without trying fucks with your head. Because purposely getting pregnant can take some work. You take fertility tests everyday to see when the optimal time to fuck is, you have to purposely reduce your anxiety levels and that just reminds…
The problem with VERY private arrangements is that they are not known to work because most people don’t think of all the possibilities and know the monetary average cost for services. It is best to have a mediator because all the details of surrogacy need to be laid out by people who are aware of all the risks. And…
It’s nice that he’s going the extra mile to fuck a bunch of people over.
Also, D&Cs are an absolutely critical aspect of women’s health care entirely apart from abortion. I bet we all know multiple mothers who would have died or become sterile without one - it is not uncommon to need one after an incomplete miscarriage or retained products of conception after the birth of a child. I can…
France was fun for a while but even in the books they’re like, “I’m so fucking over this place” by the time they leave.
Can I just say, I looooved the huge mesh panties they gave me at the hospital? I actually had a nurse bring me extras to take home and wore them for like 6 weeks. IT’S LIKE WEARING AIR! Mine weren’t really ‘mesh’, more like a super thin stretchy kinda gauze? Whatever they were, I would totally wear them again if they…
I’ve read that the 5+ year gap on a resume can wreck future earnings too though. So it becomes a question of how exactly you want to be screwed.
Related/unrelated: I’ve said this many times… But I have no clue why people want to be famous. Seems like a fucking hassle.
I see it as the disconnect so many moms have that borders on postpartum depression when they can’t execute something that seems biologically innate. I’ve seen this struggle, and the inevitable disconnect and feelings that “my baby hates me” occur with a flip of a switch. And we say fed is best, but that doesn’t always…
As a lactation consultant/birth worker, I’m just supremely happy that: 1) her nipples were dark 2) this highlighted just how damn hard breastfeeding/latching can be.
All day I’ve been reading the Tomi Lahren headlines as, “Woman Lies Down With Dogs, Gets Fleas”
It can be done! My oldest started training at 16 months (which was coincidentally and fortunately in June, so she could go pantsless comfortably throughout the Summer while she nailed it down). If they’re very young it may take a little longer although they make progress (she had virtually no spoken vocabulary). …
If you wait until your child is truly ready and talk it up a bit with books and the like (we even replaced our toilet seat with one that comes with a smaller sized one for kids that you can pull down, so you can pull the ‘look, you’re a big kid to use the grown-up potty just like mommy/daddy! bonus, you don’t have to…