
So basically, Beyonce is Whole Foods.

He's a comedian?

He's a feminist, and writes for Girls, which means it's OK to bash a girl over her gender expression.

You what's more annoying than Meghan Trainor? A self-important pair of hipster douchebags that obsessively bloviate/mansplain how much they hate her.

I dunno, I think it's more the wording. If he said that "Leia the character is owned by the fans that love her," I think that it would have sounded less creepy. This just doesn't translate well on paper.

Farrah is somewhere between Derrick and Courtney, especially because of the strong makeup skills.

Exactly. Trainwrecks are fun. It's the bland ones that fade in the background that are no fun.

Gia was both.

"Mean, arrogant and stupid…" that's harsh. Too harsh. Chill, it's just a show.

I can't shake the Gia 2.0 vibe

Kennedy's death chicken wasn't a construction challenge. She BROUGHT that with her.

Correction: Nina and Sasha were the top in week one. I realize there wasn't and elmination, but still, that was just 2 weeks ago, so they aren't exactly coasting (although Nina's Instagram filter faces are already boring after two).

Drag has been around in centuries in one form or another, oftentimes as an accepted art. World hasn't ended.

There are guys with his shape that win Olympic medals for martial arts. Don't care what his body is like if he has the moves. He doesn't.

So you had no problem with Frank N Stein basically acting like… Frankenstein? The hotdog scene made me quit.

I wonder if they wrote him to be so bratty or if Finn Jones just isn't that good of an actor. Petulant really is the perfect adjective to describe his mannerisms.

That drunk boxing guy was the best.

Yeah I didn't have a problem with them casting a white guy, but casting THAT white guy. His acting is awful, and his Kung Fu is terrible.

Josie was. studying. Yeah, that's an inexpensive choice.

Someone had to die, and my gut told me that it wouldn't involve the same people.
Would Sam kill Marion to hide his affair?
Would a Sad Madeline come into Norman's arms, only to be killed?
Kudos for making me guess till the last ten minutes.