
The Miller guy is a tool, I don't think he has teeth. It's that Gorka guy that weirds me out. You can tell he tortures animals for fun.

I can't see the sisters executing each other. No way.
I see banishment so that Arya is out of the way for Littlefinger to manipulate Sansa.
I also see Arya not really "leaving," and hanging around incognito.

Besides walking around the wall, if the dragons are offed by a giant crossbow after their power is hyped up for pretty much the entire series, that would also leave a huge stain.

Hey now, it might be one small step for a person, but it's one giant leap for personkind.

"Make Westeros Great Again"

They've done a few of those intellectual montage jump cut metaphors this season, and they all seem cheap.

It started out and ended as comic relief, but the middle part, where Sam spoke of Jorah's father, that seemed pretty dramatic.

Samuel L Jackson opposite Brie Larson? Bitch please!

Don't get why people are pissed at Ed Sheeran. It's not his fault the directors lingered on him like he was a Beats product in a Coldplay video.

If you watch carefully, you'll see that Arya took a step down after her big reveal, meaning she was on platforms. That explains the height discrepancy.

So she's a shitstain of a person. Why would you want to descend to that level?

She's been protesting First Class ever since they allowed minorities to buy seats there.

Unless they make it really tongue-in-cheek. Like Will Smith saying "this will never happen to someone who looks like me ever again!" Then he turns to the camera and winks.

Thank you! There's a huge difference between Indian and Middle Eastern.

F Murray Abraham would be a spectacular choice, as he is literally of the ethnicity that
originated the story (also he's an amazing actor).
Assyrians and Arabs are two very different cultures. The guy playing Aladdin is Coptic, not Arab, which, coincidentally, is very close to the story's Maronite origins.

The guy playing Aladdin is Coptic, which is very close ethnically to the story's Maronite origins.

Obviously reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, either. I basically said the same thing. I never judged or condemned, and you're acting like I did both.

Wow, dude. That was harsh. I didn't deserve any of that. I'm not stating my experience as dogma. In fact, here's an exact quote, the second sentence of my OP:

Patrick Stewart would disagree

Of course he's qualified, and it's wrong for people to condemn him and trash his decision. But it's also acceptable for people in his situation to share their experiences and express concern.