
I completely disagree with the Zoe Saldana analogy. That's just not fair. White actors use prosthetics and dye their skin to play other white characters ALL the time. Look at Charlize Theron as Eileen Wournos, her transformation was similar. And to imply that Zoe Saldana is putting on blackface, and that she has

So substituting a Maori with a Polynesian is OK, but with a South Asian isn't? Come on.

Yul Brynner may be of Russian ethnicity, but most Russians of the eastern edges (where he's from) have strong Asian lineages. The Yukut people, for example, are just as "East-Asian" as the typical Korean person (who both happen to make up a sizable percentage of the Sakhalin island, where Brynner is from).

Hispanic IS NOT a race. You can be caucasian, black, indigenous, etc, and be hispanic because of culture and language. But culture and language don't make a race (btw I'm Spanish).
But yes, there is a biological determination for race, and it's based on skeletal structure. Forensic anthropology is a very accepted

Do you label every caucasian as their nation of origin, or do you just call them "white people?" Because if it's the latter, you have no right to be pissed, you're doing the exact same thing.

Many ethnicities are VERY diverse in their origins. There are plenty of latinos of middle eastern descent, for example.

A lot of "brown people" are very interchangeable though. People would be offended by Salma Hayek, for example, playing an Arab, but she's actually a Mexican of Lebanese descent. I'm Spanish, but I know I look Arab because of the Arab occupation of Spain. The world is a lot more intricate than you're making it out

Wait… Hillary Clinton joke?

It's like the actor paid someone to get the role. He's forced down our throats.

Speaking of Flash and Arrow, why weren't THEY chosen to help out?

Since a deep freeze chamber is now available, can we put Channing Tatum in it? I was rooting for him to prove himself, but that 'Justin Bieber attempting country music' accent was unforgivable.

You are the reason why articles like this shouldn't have a comments section. Asshat.

What spoiler? Nothing was revealed this episode.

Rage Against the Machine has been part of the machine for at least a decade.

He's doing a caricature. His accent is terrible. Over the top. Sorry.

I think a lot of people conflate "transvestite" with "transgender."

Except Henshaw had the (seemingly throwaway) line when asked if he had a family… "I used to." That doesn't seem to fit.

He's mocking Hollywood standards, not graceful aging. This is based on Hathaway saying she's not getting parts because she's too old.

Ummm, that's a legitimate, recognized television trope that has been studied and documented by cinematic and racial scholars. And that's the exact term coined to describe it. It takes all kinds of ignorant to think that was racist.

Why doesn't Hiro transport immediately back to Noah? Instead of telling not to do anything naughty while he's planting the kids in the past.