
Denzel should have gotten it for Hurricane and Judi Dench should have gotten it for Mrs. Brown. Training Day? Really? Shakespeare In Love? She was in that for eight minutes, and was sleeping for three of them.

They finally get a legitimate riddle, and the DIDN'T consult Ed Nygma? Really?

He probably hasn't even listened to Beck's album.

He spelled effacing wrong. It's a-b-s-o-r-b-e-d.

No. The album isn't very accessible. You can accomplish what you're saying without being background music, as you call it. See: Post, Homogenic, Vespertine.

The screenwriters clearly had a vision.

The last three black men to win best acting oscars certainly weren't in subservient roles. One was a king, one was a police detective, and one was a famous musician.

On roller skates.

That's nice to know… so what do you think of Rose Byrne?

But without the penis.

More? Who were the other ones?

Bill Nye got it right, though.

Can we have an elongated story line with only Doris and Eddie on a road trip?

But it came with a free frogurt.

Just like most reviewers, they probably had an advanced copy.

Ambition versus execution are two very different things. They did mention the album is a very difficult listen, both asthetically and emotionally, so they do a good job of justifying their score. Ultimately, criticism is subjective, and the technical aspects of the album, which are least subjective, have been praised.

The story lines are basically an excuse to get to the spectacle/gore. AHS has essentially become torture porn.

In their defense, Jason Momoa is Aquaman, and he is mostly indigenous american.


Agents of SHIELD currently has ten agents total. Two are black, two are Asian. That makes the other 6, or 60%, white. Diverse? Kinda, but considering that over 75% of the U.S. population is white, the show is more diverse than our actual demographics. So your analogy of being "the least racist member of the KKK"