
This was supposed to be happening under the general populace's nose. Historical fiction is still… historical.

The reason it got a "B" was because Pepper's brilliant story was interwoven with crappy subplots.

in all fairness it was the 50's. Murderers were probably held in higher regard than gays back then, especially in the deep south.

Watching Kinney on Talking Dead was a bigger gut punch. First time the talk show got better reviews than the actual episode.

Apparently ageism is no longer a thing with actresses: Amy Adams is 14 years older than Joplin was when she died.

Penelope… shantay, you stay.
RuPaul… sashay, away.

Well, this season has been very low in the "Horror" department. What better way to introduce it then to butcher a Nirvana song?

He was a Rock Lobster.

Lobster Boy: Ever the rebel with his bad Nirvana cover and dejected rebellious spirit. No, thank you.

THIS is your complaint about the show? Creative license on age disparities?
This show is so terrible, complaining about someone's age is like complaining about single-ply toilet paper in a Mexican prison.

They didn't forget about Elsa's prosthetic legs. They alluded to it with her constantly saying "you people" to the freaks. Plus she clearly had to cover them up when Jimmy barged into her tent.

Asian don't be agin'
Beige don't age.

See: Next week's preview.

Very Game of Thrones, only not enough red meat with the character beforehand. Victoria Hand last season was done better.

Is that Xena at the beginning of next week's preview?

Was killing off Xena supposed to be a Ned Stark moment? Because I didn't care enough.

Upvote that!

The "Macbook" plug really wasn't necessary. Really.

Didn't Zach Efron get his shirt ripped off at an awards show this year? And yet no one considered that objectifying gay people.

I'm just picturing a pair of Givenchy pumps under a box held up by a stick.