
When Eric stopped Sookie's slap-fest, I totally thought he was going to say "my turn…"

You're probably on your own EVERYWHERE. I can't find a positive review of this episode by ANY credible reviewer.

Weirdest song lyric? Anything Bjork.

Yeah, and a power top no less.

I would have never guessed that Lafayette was a power top.

4 episodes in, and it seems like they already started tying the bow on this series. At least give us a better adversary than a scared Buddhist.

The early 2000's will go down in history as the decades of lazy scifi.

It looks like every other generic Bruce Willis/Tom Cruise scifi film that came out this past decade.

I thought he was Norm Macdonald.

Cheng deserved more than just decapitation. He should have been forced to watch season 8 on an endless loop.

Technically not off screen. And they were killed by the same vamp, it appears. Kenya was impaled while her cousin(?) had her legs severed while being pushed into the care door I think.

I think Gary Oldman knows the answer to this.

This album single handedly got me into country music in a big way

I tried a sloe gin fizz because of that song. It's gross.

That song always makes me misty.

Having Audrey do it would make for good television.

The logic I used for this was it wasn't really a Russian compound so much as it was this guy's second home, and since he's probably working on his own (I think they said as much), a large security detail would draw suspicion from the Brits. Maybe this is plausible?

24 has a way with it's women that gives them the Maryanne from Gilligan's Island appeal.

Plain Jane Girl Next Door hotness is what she is.

He was my favorite part of HIMYM, if that's what you mean.