
I love Willa, but why the heck did they turn her into Jessica Lite?

They were great scenes that were haphazardly edited in, and ruined the pacing of the episode. TB somehow figured out how to make a good scene ruin the show. That takes talent.

Some were still back at fangtasia. They didn't all go hunting. I didn't see the whiney girl one that didn't want to go hunting.

He WASN'T the eye candy on the show? I could smell his manly scent through my TV. Woof!

It's funny, they don't need to breathe, apparently, but Nora was breathing pretty heavy before she melted away last season.

A lot of it is because so many of his skits were about money obsession to a certain degree.
It's almost like an NFL analyst admitting he hates football.

"Sookie i am so over Sookie and Her Precious Fairy Vagina and Her Unbelievably Stupid Name Fuck Sookie!"

The owners are in Morocco, I guess that's their argument.

Funny, AV Club had this really nice article about how in the past, suggested, off-screen violence in films was done very convincingly and artistically.

When Spielberg did it in Jaws, it was genius. When they tried to recreate it in Godzilla, it was stupidity. The reason why is because in Godzilla, you were taken out of the moment. In Jaws, or The Big Heat, you were still there. Your "eyes" moved away from the gore.

Psycho's shower scene is still one of the most gruesome things I've ever seen, yet there's only two frames of the knife touching skin, and the knife and the girl are barely in the same shots together. So creative directing is always what evokes the best response. And directors today are lazy.

Is it just me, or was there a very sexual, almost pornographic quality to that fight scene?

That came out of nowhere. Like, Deep Blue Sea nowhere.

I hate to admit I know where that's from.

OK that's not fair. Any of these canned, manufactured pop stars that are some of the best performers you'll ever see, well, they never last long. And that's not an exclusively American thing. People get bored with a vacuous schtick. To be an iconic drag queen, you need to have substance to back up the style.

OK then let's focus on just her runway and challenges, like Michelle and Santino did during the judging. She had very few weaknesses, and her strengths weren't as strong as Bianca's. If we were going to give her a GPA on all the components of actual drag (ignoring the workroom), she still would lose out to Bianca,

Notice her comment about being a superstar in Australia, moving to L.A. (in crappy conditions as an unknown), and she still worked her way to the top? She almost pulled off not looking arrogant.

It's not that people dislike her. In fact, during the reunion, any lingering belief that she's an elitist bitch was completely dispelled (rags to riches story aside).
But she just doesn't move the needle or elicit reactions for most people. She's a little forgettable, and very canned.
She reminds me of the movie

She really didn't. RuPaul tried coaxing out some stuff from her during the live taping, and there just wasn't anything to work with. I wish people were there. She was very fishy and perfectly put together, but canned.

Courtney was pitchy, and her jokes fell flat. There was a lot of bum jokes and awkward banter that was edited out from the live show. Trust me, I was in the audience. They did her a favor.