
Let's be honest, Ivy Winters was probably spacing out on that. She's not the brightest bulb in the box.

When nazis support gay marriage, you know the movement has jumped the shark.

And sing about a black stereotype.

Everyone there seems to be bisexual. Also a plus.

Considering the graphic description she gave of her brother's junk in past interviews, I'm surprised she was uncomfortable with this.

Yeah when Goldblum's daughter suddenly becomes acrobatic and manages to kill a raptor was painful. "Kick the raptor" was worse than "nuke the fridge."

I think the dreary grey filtering and set design doesn't lend itself to a summer film.

Yeah they claim to be shunned for who they are, yet they even protest civil unions. They want the government to shun people for who they are.

He's saying it like it is. And it is the popular opinion.

OK no one is actually HATING on Courtney. She just doesn't move the needle for a lot of people.

I know Australian humor. That isn't Australian humor.

Yeah I actually thought Darienne outshone Courtney this week. And Courtney comes off as someone else's product. She pretty much failed any challenge that required personal creativity. She's the prepackaged, Britney Spears of drag. Little substance there.

Agreed. And some of the most memorable drag queens are busted. It's a whole subgenre.

Yeah, my Aussie friends say the same. She isn't the "household name" she claims to be. And she straight-up lied about being a finalist on Idol.
If you listen carefully, you can hear her ego deflating.

Says the tin man.

Agree 100%

Yeah I feel like Oliver always agrees with Ru's decision. Ru isn't perfect, and makes mistakes now and then.

I'm surprised she even accepted the job.