
Actually Obama often references House of Cards. That's a big ouchie.

Well the show was produced by some hard core conservatives, likely with the intent to justify their ideals.

I agree, the lighting and blocking in this episode would make Orson Welles jealous. The fisheye shot of Podrick, however, wouldn't.

That's the one thing I agree with Erik on. The wide shots of Meereen were awful.

Seriously, what is your problem? Where were you a few weeks ago when a little boy was nearly raped on the Walking Dead?
You wanna talk REAL WORLD crimes? How about sex trafficking? THAT is a legitimate issue that has reached epidemic levels in many parts of the world today. Yet you don't bat an eye to that.

Fair enough. But this is a show that sensationalizes and even rewards some truly terrible things. So there are clearly a lot of inherent morality issues with the people involved.

How about slavery, murder and torture? Aren't those omnipresent threats in the real world? Those all happened in this episode, and no one batted an eye.

Yes, in my opinion. I'm sure some people out there would rather be poisoned, castrated, eaten or beheaded. I will gladly take rape before all that. Clearly that's just my opinion.

Don't get the controversy. If the worst thing to happen to you in the GOT world is getting raped, consider yourself lucky.

Adore's bride looked like zombie bride Lindsey Lohan from Mean Girls.

When we saw Captain America in theaters, there were universal sighs with every "hail hydra." I'm glad the show addressed the douchiness of it. With Bill Paxton, no less.

Oh yeah they're totally setting her up to turn on Hydra.

An honest dude would have given the guy a shoutout during his acceptance speech. Heck, if he really felt that way, he wouldn't have accepted the award. A jerkwad wouldn't have consoled someone in a text, then take a screenshot and post it on twitter. That was self-serving bull.

Lol, OK then!

The eyerolls everyone was giving her during Alyssa's video was hilarious.

Am I the only one that felt a little sorry for Laganja? I mean, she had it coming, but she got trashed by everyone both on the runway and in the lounge. No one held back, and the shitstorm all came at once.
She was grating, affected and abrasive, sure, but she wasn't evil.

So when he texted Kendrick Lamar, told him "he was robbed" of the Grammy that Macklemore won, and then posted the text onto twitter…
what does that make him?

Obviously there's some subjectivity to it, but yeah, I agree this song is absolutely not creative.

Yeah most songs exploit emotions, but this one is so obvious about it. Reminds me of the Sugarland video that was an entire closeup of the chick crying.

No it doesn't suck that the song may help some struggling gay youth. But you know what would be even better? Songs that manage that AND manage to be creative and artistic. And there ARE plenty of songs like that, and yet this one gets the attention.