
obligatory vaguely informed rebuttal about corona restricting production being the overwhelming reason for the gaming hardware shortage

I think it’s to make the metric a more useful measure of games designed to be explicitly nonviolent. It’s an interesting presence to see grow in the industry and something people have been calling for for a long time. Sports games have always been there and always will be - they’re noise not signal if you include them

interesting (non-player here). GTA5 did the same thing where the first 50-60% of its story was absolute gold and then it suddenly just... dropped everything. It was a real bummer and I remember being really frustrated watching every gaming media outlet *in the early days* gush about how good the story was, but then

you mean like “you”?

eat the rich

idk, I’d look at it a different way. Launching a games store to compete with the likes of Apple and Steam is a herculean task. It has to be a company already well-positioned in the games industry, and it has to have its own established streams of endless revenue on the back of which it can place the kinds of massive

ain’t nobody got more goodwill in my book than Arkane does

this happened because there’s a certain breed of person who, under capitalism, tends to be calling the shots. They are the kind of people who, faced with a good idea, a solid game, a great product that everyone loves, compulsively goes, “okay, but what if we made it like World of Warcraft? Maybe we could make World of

it’s starting to feel like there’s a running joke at Microsoft where they make Fable 2 specifically unplayable on PC for as long as humanly possible, like they have some kind of corporate team-building drinking game they play every time Fable is in the news where they scroll the comments and all take a shot every time

I would be very, very surprised if they ever truly got rid of their engine. Bethesda, whatever else people might want to criticise them for, doesn’t do mass layoffs*. They manage their gigaprojects in a way that once one specialisation’s job on one is done, they can rotate over to the next one

if you think you’re sick of the Vikings, imagine how sick of the Vikings coastal peasants in Europe and around the Mediterranean in the 11th century were!

jesus fucking christ dude I didn’t contradict the claim that PM’s management of Lionhead was awful - I agree with it - I’m just saying that, after he left, Microsoft blocked Fable 4, which could have been great without PM around to fuck it up, and then ran Lionhead into the ground forcing them to develop a bunch of

I’m not denying that his management was apparently godawful and his ideas absolutely ruined Fable 3, I’m just saying there are also pretty clear signs that Microsoft was heavy handed in its direction of the studio as well. There was the black dye fiasco even, way back in the day - black dye being withheld from Fable 3

the Obsidian of today has little in common with the Obsidian that made New Vegas. Yeah I hope we get it too, I just don’t care who makes it as long as it isn’t BGS

I think “Peter Molyneux singlehandedly sank Lionhead” is a gross and all too common overstatement. If you think Microsoft had nothing to do with years and years of good talent and IP being wasted on Kinect gimmickery (Milo, Fable: The Journey), a family friendly side-scroller (Fable Heroes), a cancelled MOBAlike

it’s not enough that these capitalist fucks get to sit at the top raking it in off the creativity and labour (including hierarchically-mandated months of crunch) put in by the salaried schmucks whose contracts they waltzed in and bought, they have to waste years and years of those workers’ careers - their lives -

unions are useless, never get anything done! That’s why we, Amazon, are pushing this anti-union message! Because it’s totally irrelevant to us whether our workers are unionised or not! Yeah.... anyway that’s all. Don’t bother unionising!