oh snap
oh snap
I think that was already self evident from my posting in Kotaku’s comments section.
Been reading Gawker sites for around 10 years I’d say. This is the best comment I’ve ever read. Gonna stop now. I’m done.
boondocks is great
are you TheBlackHermit on youtube?
you are the kind of person who actually watches those youtubers who post twelve part rants about how feminism is an attack on men, aren’t you?
the city needs your investigative skills, detective. Please, come out of retirement.
Maaaaan reading that makes me a sad white person.
so many passes required to stop reading that as Craig Bond and being confused
Actually Mr CEO, the privilege is all yours.
I work at a gaming industry company and I’m always the one to kill the conversation and hold people to account for their (often unwittingly) prejudiced and ignorant beliefs and statements, but frankly I find this dismissal over the top.
I got really excited to read Banged and then I clicked through and found that it got curtailed when Roosh V’s followers got wind of it and started getting all het up, and what happened instead was a two hour interview with the bigmouth himself.
This is a terrible take.
This is in no way a good bad pun. This is bad bad wordplay.
“I don’t see the problem. Aren’t they aware that the swastika is a Hindu symbol of peace?” said the nazis and morons in unison.
The guy had immense privilege and he fucked it up for himself. Put his fall in some perspective and you’ll see that it’s exactly what he deserves for being so flagrantly obnoxious and demeaning. It’s not like he’s going to prison or getting a criminal record. He just doesn’t get to be such a pampered YT star any more.…