immediate first thought i immediately had.
immediate first thought i immediately had.
But that’s the point. Sacha Baron Cohen wanted to make a Freddie Mercury biopic, Brian May wanted to make a Queen biopic. Those are distinctly different projects. Thematically, SBC and judging from the comments quite a few other people think focusing on Freddie Mercury makes for a more compelling movie. I appreciate…
If anyone read “health matter” and didn’t think “cloud of suspicion about sexual harassment,” then they are not paying attention. Brian Singer’s been sweating since the day House of Cards suspended production and he realized sexual harassment by men against men will no longer be ignored.
Yeah, “20 minutes of action.”
This. It’s super easy to say “call out your family/coworkers/whoever for what they say” but when you have to work or live with these people day in and day out, it’s very different. I can’t tell my Trump loving coworker to go fuck herself at work and expect the work environment to be pleasant and productive. The only…
While I can see in the moment laughing along with the famous/powerful guy who you’ve been tasked with shepherding around (it’s certainly not impressive, but whatever) the part I find really disgusting is when he set up the woman who greeted them outside the bus so Trump could touch her. It’s one thing to not…
Part of me thinks this ‘health matter’ could just be a cover for Singer laying low ahead of even more damning harassment/assault allegations.
It’s almost quaint that a year ago a guy was fired for listening to this bullshit when every day we are learning about men fired for actually committing these acts. If this happened today we’d be like and?
It was two Swedish men. Also, they were so horrified by what Turner had done, I’m sure that if their witness testimony were needed again, they wouldn’t hesitate to come back to help Emily Doe get justice. They seemed like some rare, upstanding exceptions to the violent, misogynistic disaster that is the male gender,…
It burns me up when people think like this. I ask them, if you awoke to incredible anal pain and realized someone was forcing something inside you, would you care what it was? No. A penis is a foreign object inside. A finger is a foreign object. A bottle is. ALL rape. The only reason its differentiated in law is…
Oh fucking brother.
Why bother changing his name. If 71% of republicans in Alabama would vot a child rapist into office, some woman will marry him, he will get a job, and all will be awesome for him in the fucked up world no matter what.
A 172-page brief? After the time had been served? Well. Shelling out $200k (an educated guess) to clear a criminal record suggests at the very least that his sentencing statement of remorse wasn’t exactly heart-felt.
A local news outlet republished the statements made by his father and his female friend this morning, and I felt the fury of a thousand suns all over again.
My guess is that Brock is trying to get off the sex offender registry. Daddy’s friends will always give him a job, but the sex offender registry is its own nasty beast that he can’t buy his way out of.
Oh I will very much be going to the party, haha...
Agreed. Work parties suck. Get a catered lunch if you must, but don’t have a goddamn work party.
My company is doubling down this year with a Studio 54 themed Christmas party... The word “debauchery” was on the invitation. This should be good.
As someone who is very much un-sober and loves free booze I still agree that this is the correct thing to do.
“Non-Traditional Workplace Agreement”