A Sense of Poise and Rationality

My quiet, mild-mannered little brother has strong opinions on one thing: Doug Stamper is the worst character in anything, ever. I have never heard him get as animated about anything as he does when criticizing Doug. It’s actually hilarious that that is his one hot-button issue.

Actually, one of his longest-term relationships was with a woman. He probably would have been considered pansexual, had he been alive now.

IIRC, he left due to artistic differences because he refused to downplay some of the less “family-friendly” aspects of Freddie, a.k.a. his pansexuality and AIDs, among other things. The remaining members of Queen want to preserve a legacy that’s not entirely factual, while Baron Cohen wanted to portray a truthful

I’m a big fan of saying something like “Well, that was a thing you said...moving on...” or a total non-response: just stand there, completely frozen, with a neutral-bordering-on-horrified reaction. When they press you for a response, just slowly shake your head and say “I don’t even know where to start.”

This scene is literally the only time I have ever liked Matt Lauer.

I would actually argue that it should be harder to get married in the first place. Getting married was easy; my divorce took forever (and way more paperwork). I highly doubt it would have stopped my from being young and stupid (aka “in love”), but the legal ramifications of marriage are not nearly as obvious until you

I’ve done that a few times, with varying results. Luckily, that coworker finally dropped off when I stopped responding. I had a friend in high school who kept making “jokes” until I flat-out asked if he preferred that I pretend he was kidding and ignored him or if I should start actually rejecting him...that ended his

Ugh. Men who play the “just kidding” card are the worst. I had a (newlywed) coworker who would made it very clear that he would love to sleep with me (when I was also married). Most of the time I brushed it off, as I didn’t feel threatened. But once I quit that job and got divorced, he started texting me all the damn

I love that they gave him such a great family life to make up for all of the shit the characters gave him.

The only workplace I have ever been that those requests would have been remotely acceptable, was when I worked in restaurants in college. Everyone was fucking everyone, but we were all 18-23-ish and of similar power levels. Every place I have worked after that has discouraged dating within the company, and I

I find him disturbingly attractive. I would bang him like a screen door (with protection; I’m not a complete idiot) and deny it to my friends. I also wouldn’t give him my number because he is exactly the kind of guy who would send “U up?” texts at 3 a.m. and nobody has patience for that. Basically, my vagina makes

Legendary... Underage Children. (North Dakota)

I have tried to explain (mainly to male partners) the spiral of “might as well say yes in case he won’t hear my no” and “well, the worst has already happened, so why not jump into x bad situation”. It’s something that’s hard to wrap your head around unless your head has been in that space.

I had consensual sex with my rapist the night after he raped me. I was dating him at the time, and wanted to make it all okay. Somehow, in my mind, having consensual sex would retroactively “fix” the assault. It didn’t, and he dumped me via text message the next morning. I am super open about my rape, but very few

My boyfriend decided to share something that had been bothering him for a while: that his personality is a combination of my father (who I frequently clash with but love dearly) and my brother (one of the best humans I know; we are super close). He apparently hadn’t predicted my reaction of shock, horror, and

My parents raised us in the Assemblies of God church, so super literal readings of the Bible. My sisters didn’t pay a ton of attention in church and are now what I think of as “casual Christians”. My brother and I took copious notes and tried very hard to convince ourselves to believe. We failed. As adults, I can

The two legitimately best, most moral, ethical, people I know are atheists. They demonstrate the “fruits of the spirit”(love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  
gentleness and self-control) far more than any religious person I know. I am a firm believer that if you need a sky-daddy to tell you

I had a similar situation (not life-threatening, but definitely rescued) in high school. It was a little after 9 on the morning of New Year’s Day and I was driving to a town about 45 minutes away to work my shift at the local radio station. I hit a patch of ice and between that, the wind, and my overcorrections, I

When I was a little kid, my aunt dated this guy, “Larry”. I loved him because he was an incredibly talented artist who would cover pages in tiny pictures (I remember a paper filled with tiny elephants) and when you’re a preschooler, that’s all it takes to win your affection. He also had a daughter around my age. My

The first episode I listened to left me feeling like an expert on serial killers. They had several factual inaccuracies (on things that I knew off the top of my head, and I was pretty new to the serial killer obsession), and didn’t bother to correct them, despite specifically mentioning googling other info. It totally