A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Agreed on her being a victim. I can’t imagine living that life.

I was psyched that it was made by women as well. When I started watching it I couldn’t stop, got through the whole thing in two days and I don’t usually binge.

Yeah, if this is what they’re going with now, “mental health issues” I want receipts on these fuckers. What was this asshole’s diagnosis: bipolar, schizophrenic, depressed? Who was his doctor? What meds or therapy was he trying? Why didn’t that work?

I’m just waiting for him to declare mental health issues as a ‘National Health Emergency’, so they can split up the $56K the Department Of Health has on hand for NHEs with the opiod crisis..... We’ll have a stack of ‘Say “NO” To Mental Health Issues” bumper stickers to go along with “Say “NO” To Drugs”.

Once again, The Onion got there first.

You kid but the man has some serious mental health issues.

Street harassment is a whole different thing than the original example though! People who work together or move in the same social circles DO have the potential to form romantic relationships based on time spent getting to know each other. If one initiates and the other declines it SHOULD be case closed. Continuing to

Raise your hand if you feel your mental health has been affected by Donald Trump personally?

I think it’s simultaneously a reasonable rule and practically unrealistic, given how many people meet their spouses at work. For better or worse, workplaces are one of the primary places where people interact socially with each other. But in the very least, don’t try to date anyone who is lower on the organizational

‘Thoughts and prayers’- they were in a freaking CHURCH. They don’t need prayers, they need stricter gun laws.

It’s not a guns situation, though. He was mentally ill so he could have just as easily used throwing stars, a pick-em-up truck, or illegal immigrants to kill all those people. It’s just that an AR-15 was easier to pick up than a library card. A mere coincidence, surely.

Domestic/partner violence is often treated as an argument that got out of hand. Someone (re: the woman) provoked someone into violence. Everyone just needs to calm down and cool off, he didn’t mean to shove you (are you sure it was a shove? Did you maybe just spontaneously fall down?).

“This isn’t a guns situation,” Trump said as he directed the blame at the behavior of a “very deranged individual [with] a lot of problems over a long period of time.”

Holy shit, Uma Thurman’s fury is everything right now.

As someone who doesn’t love talking about personal stuff, I can empathize with Uma Thurman not being ready to discuss this right now. Especially when this was all well known and nobody gave af for decades and now people are ready to listen. No, I’m not going to be open on your arbitrary timetable.

Waiting for Uma’s statement...