A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Sending megahugs. It took me the better part of a year to really believe my therapist when she told me that having consensual sex with my rapist even after he raped me was “common and normal,” but I still can’t quite shake the shame I feel about it. I know I was in denial about the emotional aspects of the rape, I

That’s Doug?

You’ve clearly put a lot of work into this, and you should be rewarded. Tonight the Women will make Dessert.

I would say these lyrics are cheesier, lamer, less imaginative and less compelling than her usual fare. The whole thing is just plain boring.

The Kelly master bathroom, 9:35 a.m.

I’ve been saying that on here for years. She’s never actually done or said anything that should label her as a bad person. She even supports Planned Parenthood and BLM and will happily trash Trump directly using him name.

Kim gives the vibe she is a good person.

But he DID have a Clash song written about him, and that’s something not many can say.

This. I think Leo is in the group of guys that act like a letch but generally in places where women are down with it. He’s not rubbing up on women at work but behaves like a dog in social situations. If men start to reevaluate their behavior because of these scandals we will be making progress.

I read somewhere, possibly Jezebel, the suggestion that Season 6 should open with Clair saying, “Francis is dead.” I can get behind that. I was really looking forward to a Clair centered season.

They should still do season 6, sans Spacey, focusing on Claire’s presidency. She was always the MVP.

God help me, I find the ball of yarn hilarious, and the rich version of me (presumably the one who doesn’t work in international development for pennies) would totally buy it.

Bill Clinton: White Jesus.

Is that...Bill? I want to believe that somewhere out there is a house decorated with crucifixes, saints, and a random Bill Clinton as Jesus portrait by the phone.

Dems never seem to miss an opportunity to stick their dicks in a meat grinder. Honest to fuck. To quote the Newsroom - “If liberals are so fucking smart, how come they lose so goddamn always?” This shit is why.

I literally cannot bring myself to give a fuck about this. At this point I don’t care if Hillary killed 89 hummingbirds with a baseball bat for votes. It’s over. Trump’s president. We’re doomed, who the fuck cares anymore.

Maybe the Playboy enterprise is planning a massive pivot to publishing rape and other harassment stories penned by the cavalcade of bunnies and affiliates through the years at Playboy mansions throughout the world.

You know you’re in real trouble when you’re such a predator that Jared Leto doesn’t want to be seen with you.

You know you’re in real trouble when the Playboy organization thinks you’re too creepily predatory to the point where they want nothing to do with you.

The pot likewise distanced itself from its fellow piece of cookware, stating, “We are deeply troubled to learn about the accusations against the kettle. We find this kind of behavior completely unacceptable.”