A Sense of Poise and Rationality

The same evangelical bible thumping Christian who voted over 80% for a sexual predator, among so many other things that repulsive orange creature is.

Consistently passing laws that get overturned because of RvW also serves the dual purpose of letting the Republicans point to the judiciary and say “LOOK AT THESE MURDERING ASSHOLES,” which erodes trust in the legal system in general, which allows them to do all sorts of other repugnant crap like tort reform,

I commented on the previous story Jezebel ran about this story about how I didn’t have a positive pregnancy test for my first two PLANNED AND WANTED pregnancies until I was nearly 6 weeks pregnant and I was testing daily because I was late (never am) and thought I was probably pregnant. It easy for me to imagine a

That’s the point.

They LOVE to use images of later term fetuses and represent them as first trimester pregnancies. They do it outside clinics all the time.

This was absolutely my take. It is my understanding that if a child is born in the US, they are considered a US citizen, even if the mother is not. But according to this hearing, said fetus is a US citizen as soon as a heartbeat is detected (or at fertilization?). Which means the next step could be the government

Because this is the #1 issue for those evangelical Christians. They could give a shit about actual babies or church attendance for that matter (see their support of Trump) but they are SUPER into punishing women for sex and limiting their freedom and punishing LGBTQ people comes in at a close second. Literally nothing

The sound of the “heartbeat,” Franks said, “should speak to the hardest hearts.”

The real deal is that they are sexists that want to inhibit the freedom of women. The ability to control when and how we reproduce is probably the greatest factor in women moving up the career ladder and in when we choose to marry, if at all. Stripping us of that right will send us straight to the home, where they

I hate when they put the pictures of “this precious little girl” on their forced birth posters- like you have a fully formed baby from day 1. Um, no sorry.

Finally, very few people know they are pregnant before 6 weeks and those that do have scant chance of getting to an abortion clinic in that time especially if they are young and victims of rape or incest. And as iff all the regulations haven’t put abortion clinics our of business, this most certainly would, because

“If you don’t want to have a baby,” *pops a viagra* “you shouldn’t have sex.” *texts mistress that the hearing is running long & he’ll be late* “I don’t know why that is so difficult to comprehend” *pats congressional aide’s knee in a “friendly” manner* “You want all of the fun and none-” *texts from misteress* “of

So many points to attack here but for starters, here is the text of the 14th amendment: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the

I think I may be one of only three people who think Jose Menendez systematically raped his sons. Is killing someone right? No, but I do think the brothers should have gotten 20 years.

Yeah, I honestly can’t believe that other dude from Nickelodeon was the first to be outed. COME ON, let’s talk about Dan Schnieder!

Singers will be especially messy because he threw parties. There were lots of older rich dudes at those twink fests. It will be gross, messy and super scandalous. Or maybe the collective older rich dudes money will keep it away? Does society care about unknown twinks? The only reason Spacey is finally getting in

I knew Olivia was talking about him and then for him to say that garbage really pissed me off it’s nice to see that his day has finally come. Singer needs to go down Shneider needs to go down they all need to go down. Just picturing them waiting for their careers to go to shit makes me happy.

This is how I feel about Dan Schneider and everyone at Nickelodeon.

I think their physical grossness was a weapon they wielded against women: “you WILL touch me. I know I am disgusting, and I will feel that much more powerful knowing that I can force you to touch me anyway.”

OMG I forgot one of my personal faves: