A Sense of Poise and Rationality

If they rewrite the balance of the final season so Claire has Francis killed and assumes power - THAT WOULD ACTUALLY COMPORT WITH THE SOURCE MATERIAL! Let Robin Wright carry the season (she’s been the real standout anyway, but this is the way the original story goes)

That is what I saw too! Kris Jenner trying to do a Rocky Horror thing, but assembled the costume from looking at photos because she never watched the film.

I thought she was dressed up as Kris Jenner on any given day...

This isn’t denial, this is fullblown Messiah Complex.

Raping hundreds of women over the span of four decades just so he could get caught for it and change the world. How selfless.

I had a dream once where something was grabbing me, grabbing my leg, and I was trying to call out to my sister for some reason but couldn’t get the words out. I woke to my husband shaking me in a panic; I was wheezing with an asthma attack.

I am a frequent sleep paralysis haver, and I gotta say, it has really ruined a lot of these stories for me. I read them and it’s like, “Yup, classic sleep paralysis.” Sleep paralysis is scary, for sure, but it’s not supernatural and I like my ghost stories to have ghosts in them! Harumph.

Your story is one of the few from previous years that has stuck with me. I would have been terrified in the moment, and then to learn about what had happened in the bathroom... nope, nope, nope, NOPE.

I seriously hope the Dan Schneider story comes out soon and it brings down every Nickelodeon exec who greenlit his shows with him.

Because it fucking works. We have rape shield laws not because we all know that the victim’s past sexual behavior is irrelevant in a rape case, but because a large portion of America is quite certain that it is centrally relevant. We had to pass a law specifically because it is such a perfect defense before a jury.

Contracts don’t tend to have “audience backlash” clauses.

It is incomprehensible that two veteran NYPD detectives would allegedly commit such an outrageous act.

It’s insane. If they had met her while in custody and then decided to meet up and have sex at a later time, I’d think their attempt and creating a consent narrative would have like at least some possible leg to stand on... but a person in custody... how could a cop (ESPECIALLY A COP) think that person could consent.

I meant words, concepts, and phrases: Her (much-quoted by me) statement when she was 3, “I couldn’t kill my brother yesterday. That’s why there wasn’t enough food. After all, I was supposed to be a preacher man.” Odd thing for the preschool child of New England liberal atheists to say, out of the blue. Especially when

Someone liked my story from last year and that means it’s no longer lost, so I’ll post it here again. This and the other story both happened in the same house about a two years apart. Here it is:

I have no personal stories to contribute unfortunately. :( But lately I’ve been getting my scary story fix by listening to scary podcasts. My current favorites are Lore and Lets Not Meet. Anyone else have a horror podcast they would recommend?

Around five years ago, I was a TA for an undergraduate literature course that had 300 students; there were two TAs and our job was mostly to do grading (sigh) and hand out exams and set up PowerPoints and stuff of that nature. Basically, assist the professor in all manner of tedium while she lectured. Due to a

Dude, helpful ghosts can be incredibly nice. The ghost in our house was a dick to me throughout my childhood (I posted about it last year, but I would have to dig through last year’s entries to find my story), but after my father died when I was ten and my mother and her new husband got really, really abusive, that

I wrote about a different creepy thing last year that happened in this same house, but I can’t find that post anymore (Thanks, Kinja!). Anyway, here’s another one that happened about a year before that other one.

Do you remember the story about how the kid was writing a paper with headphones on and there was writing all over the house that said “LOOK AT ME”? It still haunts me and that was I think like 3 years ago.