A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Don’t get hung up of the fact that he’s physically repulsive. If he looked like Clooney would people somehow think what he’s done is not as bad? I was charmed by a guy who I would say is pretty objectively not attractive, but when we were dating and I was falling for him I was attracted to him because he charmed me

I think it really depends on the piece. It looks really nice with certain stones, maybe not so much with diamonds.

I like it in limited amounts. As an occasional break from white metal? Sure! As an engagement ring and/or wedding band, to be worn everyday? No fucking way.

Thanks for linking! I think that she’s right that we’ve had a paradigm shift about gender politics since The Election. It’s always been difficult for women to navigate and now we’re learning new ways to go about it. What I can say from my experience is that speaking up feels good, standing up for yourself helps to

Ehhhhhh....I love blind items. I know that they aren’t hard facts proof but they were spot on about Harvey Weinstein. And since they were spot on about him I’m inclined to believe they were spot on about her too.

The rumors were not of the “boys will be boys” type. They are the Bryan Singer type of rumors (i.e., rape).

Lovely. Husband gropes a woman, she gets flowers and a chance to design a suite (with pillowcases and sheets!) at a luxury hotel!

I don’t really feel bad for her, but I will feel bad for all the people who work for her who will be affected if the line tanks because of all of this.

I mean, in addition to the payouts, I can think of at least four TV series and movies that had characters based on him. Comedians, sit coms, and late night shows regularly used his lechery and insane behavior as a punchline. Women in Hollywood have said they talked openly about his behavior for decades & warned

There are rumors circulating that her divorc” bid is really a strategy by both of them trying to save at least one of the money makers since he is out at Weinstein Co. The word is they think if she distances herself from him, the line might be able to bounce back, but that she has no intention of following through on

I usually don’t like saying “she should have known” b/c narcissistic abusers are very good at gaslighting their spouses and at showing the word a charming face. I’ve had dozens of friends who had no clue their husbands were cheating jerks until it was obvious to everyone else and someone finally felt complicit enough

Also ambivalent here.

Putting aside the sexual abusiveness that has come to light, coercing his female stars into wearing his wife’s dresses is something she definitely knew about.

She does a shitty morning show with low viewership and this blog brings to light how spectacularly she continues to flop.

It was an “open secret” that Weinstein was a serial abuser and wasn’t even coy about it. Of course she knew. She’s the white Camille Cosby. But I’m sure she married Jabba the Hutt for love...

I’m feeling ambivalent about this. On one hand, I hate to see women held accountable for men’s bad behavior, but on the other hand, she used his power to advance herself and, I mean, she knew, right? But! Maybe she didn’t. Abusers are good at only showing certain sides of themselves to certain people.

I had a similar thought when I read Pat Robertson’s comment the other day on Vegas. He says it was punishment for the gays. How does he know its not punishment for us putting up and supporting people like him?

It’s the former. A bunch of us are not assholes, as are the majority of people upon whom natural or political disasters are visited.

Donald Trump’s continued existence is proof-positive that there is no God. Either that or God is deservedly punishing us for being a bunch of fucking assholes. So basically we still don’t know.

To repeat an earlier comment on the subject: