A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Same! I am married now and dated a bunch of guys in the past that were like predatory. I don’t even have their contact info in my phone anymore, but they still generate under PYMK. I block them but it still opens wounds of past issues. I feel like its connected some way to gmail as well! Though it never connects me to

Nazis don’t get banned from Twitter but people can get suspended for saying go fuck yourself? Go fuck yourself twitter


I hope that’s a waterbed because Lea Michele seems excessively thirsty.

“Awarding” money to Vegas? That makes it sound like “hey you win for having the highest death count in a mass shooting this year! Congrats!”

There’s also good polling to show that most republicans would support postponing elections until Trump could guarantee that no illegal votes are cast. What I’m saying is that the only part of the constitution that republicans aren’t ok with taking a shit on is the second amendment.

Why? You need to provide a valid prescription when buying online, just like when you get medication at the brick-and-mortar pharmacy. There’s really no difference.

This is also true of his incessant Twittering. As a friend of mine puts it, every time he finds a tweet posted by Trump that is ideally suited for use as an anti-Trump tweet based on whatever the outrage of the hour may be, “A Tweet for all seasons.”

The sheer volume of public utterances this man has made guarantees that he will have said something humorously pertinent to whatever controversy is dogging him during any given news cycle.

I don’t even have to read the article to say I agree.

He’s never read the Constitution because he can’t read—or, if he can, he reads at a very low literacy level. The president of the United States is functionally illiterate.

Has anyone directly asked him a follow-up question on anything? He always talks about how busy he is and how much “work” he’s “doing.” Just once I want to see a reporter ask him for a specific detail about that work he’s doing. “Oh, you’re spending a lot of time working on tax reform? Name one thing about the bill.”

Has anyone directly asked the president what action he would take if the intelligence community discovered, without a doubt, that Russian hackers altered the election results? Any chance that he would resign?

“Nuts, now we can only rape women who are over 18.”

No that’s a fake quote from a fake source who really doesn’t exist. I’m just playing his game.

We actually produce more than enough food to feed everyone on the planet, but because of things like capitalism and classism and racism, tons gets thrown out because it was overproduced (and thus the market was too saturated to sell everything) or because it wasn’t pretty or because it hit the expiry date. And

Do you have an issue with telemedicine? My insurance plan has an option for those online doctors, it’s great.

I wonder how the vegans will react to this news.

Those always bemuse me. Vitals is health, and how is controlling your own body not health? That a political party decided to make denying it a tent pole doesn’t change that.

Oh, come on. This is what “food scientists” are wasting their time on? The UN said last year that we are facing the biggest global crisis since 1945 with 20 million at risk of starvation. How about figuring out how to grow crops in inhospitable climates? But no, instead we need slightly less fatty avocados. For crying