A Sense of Poise and Rationality

I want to cry when I think of a little 12 or 13-year-old giving birth to her rapist’s baby. Given the timeline, he was potentially already out of jail when she went into labor. She had to carry his baby for longer than his sentence.

If an embryo is a full person with full rights, then let’s treat them the way we treat any other person and NOT LET THEM LIVE INSIDE OF OTHER PEOPLE’S BODIES. WTF, these people make no fucking sense. It’s infuriating.

Mine did. Thank god I had the resources available to terminate.

Mine did :(

In some states if one parent applies for state assistance for a child the state will pursue a child support case against the other parent as a matter of course. So the case was probably originally filed by whatever MI’s child welfare admin agency is. However, I thought there were also systems in place for DV and rape

There are a lot of questions that I think need to be answered.

So this is just like the mideval practice of “You rape her, you marry her” to “preserve her virtue” and to ensure someone would take care of her and her child.

Exactly, and he’ll likely get at least one more SCOTUS seat, and the gerrymandering case they’re deciding on now I’m pretty sure isn’t going to turn out the way we’d like, so Repubs will have continue to win seats with a minority of votes, plus our voting systems are not secure and easily hacked with no (Republican!)

Yes, because the father (serial child rapist) is supposed to care for the child and the mother (rape victim) is supposed to make sure he does rather than leach off of the system. Fuck Michigan and “family values.”

I cannot deal with all the levels of fuckery in this...1 year (sorry, not even 1 year, less than 7 months) for kidnapping and raping a child. And then he turns around and does it again and only serves four years. Fuck. All. Of. This.

If the rapist isn’t even seeking parental rights, how did this issue even begin? Is this administration just searching the system for single mothers on welfare and using judges to arbitrarily award biological fathers joint custody, all so that their welfare payments will decrease?!!! That adds a whole new level of

It was a different time. You may not know this, but in 2008, we didn’t really know it was wrong to kidnap and rape children. Just like we didn’t know it was wrong to beat women until 2014. It’s been a very busy decade for us becoming “woken” and stuff.

One year? ONE BLOODY YEAR? For kidnapping and sexually assaulting a minor? He’d have gotten a harsher sentence for possession of a joint! ONE YEAR???

This story literally made me sick to my stomach. I’m so sorry for this victim and her child. For anyone in denial about rape culture, we are getting barraged with examples of it every. damned. day.

Dead men can’t rape.

Probably just made the short list for the next SCOTUS opening, given the way this administration is trending.

and then went out and fucking did it again!!!

If an embryo is a person with full rights, then we need to come out and say it: At some point, women cease to be people with full rights. Granted in the eyes of many, we never were people to begin with.

There is so much WTF with this story but...