A Sense of Poise and Rationality

As a man who has no interest in females sexually, I feel like I can see other guys’ stories clearly. And I have yet to hear a single guy complain of being wrongfully scrutinized that didn’t either exhibit that behavior in front of me or talk like Trump to Billy Bush.

I thought they were ending their show because some scandalous story was about to come out. I doubt they want to end up like the Flip or Flop couple and ruin their brand by becoming tabloid fodder. Joanna seems like she’s getting sick of Chip’s shit. I doubt they would ever divorce though because they are super

I definitely think Jo hates Chip more, but Chip also seems to enjoy bating her.

And the final straw was him partially removing his pants in our break room (he claimed to be tucking in his shirt, and became upset when I told him the bathroom was right next to him and had a door that shut).

I can’t stand either of them... not to mention the countless legal battles they’ve had due to their shittiness... and the fact chip forgot his newborn babies at home on multiple occasions just tops it off.

Not to mention how fucking awesome it would be to have a male ally on the lower rungs...since we’re stuck here. This guy could be a hero, but instead he’s whining about how hard this (“this” being “women getting fed up with being treated like shit, and finally feeling juuuust safe enough to say so”) is for him.

I had a boss who skated out of a sexual harassment charge. You know the kind of shit he used to do?

It’s very simple: Don’t make SEXIST (not “sexist,” as sexism is a real thing) jokes. Don’t comment on a woman’s looks, body, or imagined sex life. Don’t stare at her tits. Don’t touch her. Speak to her in a professional, polite, friendly manner JUST LIKE YOU’RE ABLE TO PULL OFF WHEN SPEAKING TO MEN.

I think men who make a big deal about this are those who would have acted inappropriately towards women anyway and are sulking because they can’t get away with it anymore. They out themselves by asking stupid questions that start with, “but what if...” or “how do I know if...”and conclude by saying they’re just not

May you always have the confidence of a mediocre white man.

Hey, idiots. If you don’t want to put your livelihood in jeopardy, DON’T HARASS WOMEN. Or anyone else. Christ, it’s not that hard of a concept to grasp.

I’m so sorry. I have a plan involving us relocating all the men to islands and just dropping off supplies via plane to keep that shit humane, but I worry that even without the men, women have internalized the lie that we are less valuable too much. Plus, then there won’t be any islands left for us.

She got to where she is today with no help from anyone else too.

No, it’s passive-egressive behavior. They are shutting women out as punishment for their colleagues’ not being allowed to do whatever they want to them.

Damned trog on Twitter wrote that these women coming forward now are lying and disgusting because they didn’t come forward earlier. Cannot even see the irony in his comment.

Yes, I can not believe that this lady told her “exclusive” story to MK????

Kind of?
They never really gives details.. just how sad or disappointed or bummed they are that something is happening.

I wonder how the Nelly accusations will play out here. I don’t watch KUWTK, or any of that stuff, do the legal problems facing the families and their immediately relations (like stuff with Kanye) ever manifest on screen?

What Harvey did was horrible, but I wonder if she’d ever bring on the victims of Roger Ailes or Bill O’Reilly to her show.

Megyn Kelly sucks.