A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Well said. It sounds like Canadians are similar to our “Minnesota nice”, which is also passive aggressive. I also tell people I’m not passive aggressive, I’m aggressive aggressive.

If that’s the case, they suck at communicating intent. The letters themselves read as sincere, and if they are indeed submitted by real, flesh and blood persons that have these problems, then fuck this column. People with tangible problems are given the equivalent of “cool girl as she applies her eyeliner” responses.

Same here, reading them to rubberneck at the awful advice I know will be dispensed. Then of course I wonder why anyone looks to Jane for advice, since it is routinely bad or destructive advice. Sometimes immoral too, like the time Jane advised a woman to cheat on her boyfriend, rather than discuss the sex life problem

Also, “Now, she lives with us because he wants to take care of his mom in her old age” but he, “He works really, really long hours (I mean really long) and is way too tired to deal with home problems.” So like it’s safe to assume she is doing all the care for his racist mother right? and he can’t even be asked to

I now read them just to find out what kind of wreck the tips are this time. Ten car pile-up? Train wreck? 747 crash? Incident at the nuclear power plant?

Well then she has that same day every single time she puts out a column. They’re all train wrecks.

Seriously, busy job or not, the husband is the one who needs to be dealing with the MIL.

So, if I take charge of my sex life and demand respect, creepy assholes will turn to porn instead? I fail to see the problem with that.

Very true.

Perhaps marriage is in retreat because weddings cost so damn much. For many, living together in a committed relationship beats spending $30,000+ to get married just so you can do the same thing.

We’re building drama here, not giving actual advice.

Bingo! Just because this woman wants a relationship with you on her terms doesn’t mean you have to give it to her. If you’re upset about this, say so: “When you and Fergus were so unpleasant during my wedding, it made me feel like you didn’t respect all the hard work that went into making it a celebration.” Then

The major reasons to get married before the sexual revolution was basically 1) getting the hell out of your parents house 2) having some level independence/adulthood 3) having sex 4) (for women) having someone who can financially provide for you and (for men) having someone who can help run your household, make

“Why is marriage in retreat among young Americans? Because it is now much easier for men to find sexual satisfaction outside marriage, argues Mark Regnerus”

What if a woman doesn’t want to get married but does want sex? (But not with Kevin) What then Dr Regnerus?

Better to fuck Kevin than marry him. But preferably neither. That said, his whole premise is based on the antiquated notion that women only have sex to try and get married, while men try and have sex but avoid marriage.

And I thought I had ruined my chances of getting married because I refuse to settle for a guy who doesn’t know how to adult properly.

I think the sexual revolution might have contributed to the declining marriage rate, but not in the way this guy thinks. If you’re young and horny, but believe in waiting until marriage, you’re probably going to get married young to the first reasonably attractive person who comes along. But if you can bang that

Hmmm.... I wonder if having the ability to be financially independent and less stigma about having premarital sex has led women to not feel like they have to get married right away?
But no, it of course its because women are cheap.

So basically according to this “professor” women are wanton sluts who should never say no and it’s their fault that men treat them like shit along with them taking control of their bodies and agreeing to film porn?