A Sense of Poise and Rationality

I guess we need an Osama Bin Laden memorial statue at the World Trade Center.

In Hillbilly Elegy, the author talks about how much of the current Ohio population hails from Kentucky. This ‘Appalachian diaspora’ occurred after WWII when opportunities opened in steel mills and other industries.

I feel like I’ve been given the answer to such a pressing question!!!! Gonna buy hulu and hard cheeses!!

I’m glad they will only negotiate with terrorists plural, not singular. I was worried there for a sec.

Not only that, we raised shit ton of soldiers for the Union and had the highest per capita of soldiers in the Union Army. Also, Grant and Sherman are both from Ohio. This is why we have the damn Columbus Blue Jackets.

Why mention Black Lives Matter on a replacement marker that has nothing to do with race and everything about a region’s cultural legacy. It’s as if white people know their excuses are nonsense but are too cowardly to admit what they know to be their racist inclinations.

Requisite comment about how Ohio fought on the side of the Union to defeat Lee. But I guess racial resentment trumps history.

I gotta keep going I can’t stop. Is it possible that my favorite character on the show is Will Forte as Paul? And my favorite parents are definitely Bryan Cranston and Catherine O’Hara as Kenneth’s parents. “Remember that kid who bullied you in school? Well I ate that goat.”

They also have Golden Girls.

Me too!! God it’s so god damn funny. The recurring characters.... Steve Buscemi might be my favorite.

I really thought Debra Messing was full of shit when she claimed it would be inspired by Trump. I apologize, Ms. Messing. Not only the literal Trump stuff, which was painfully awkward to watch, but how people like Will and Grace are part of the problem as much as people like Karen are.

That was extremely confusing to me. I thought maybe they released the rest on streaming and I missed it or something

Of course it’s not bad! They brought back the original director, writers, makeup and wardrobe people. Last night’s episode was fun and pretty tight. This doesn’t seem like a reboot or reintroduction after 11 years. I’m excited for the season.

I’ve often said to Mr. Smuttins that being a journalist on a right-wing outlet like Fox or right wing talk radio is the path taken by people who have “flexible” ethics and little talent, like the news equivalent of a Christian Rap music artist. They would never make it on a real news network, because that takes

I just read the Kate Dries piece after I saw your comment and rolled my eyes so hard. she called Playboy “as feminist as it gets.” LOLWUT

Omfg thank you. I seriously do not understand the adulation. He was a misogynist who also perpetuated the stereotype of women needing to be blonde, skinny, and white in order to be found attractive, for fuck’s sake. Like, rest in peace or whatever, but the dude was no feminist hero.

“Better people will remember him for things he has done far beyond a friendship with a good or bad person.”

the worst is like when they say ‘oh he supported x photographer, published articles with Malcolm X’

It has been very interesting to see people’s reactions to his passing, to say the very least. I was over on another site and the adulation for his impact and legacy is.........disturbing. I mean. Are we going to act like he didn’t prey upon the insecurities of women? Or that by and large his version of the perfect

Ugh. That is all I have to say.