A Sense of Poise and Rationality

I assumed that’s what he was going to do the whole time. Say it’s temporary but when it expires just sign another temporary one and when that one expires so on and so forth. He exceeded expectations on this one by making it outright indefinite I guess.

I hope I’m not the only one who has noticed that Trump’s original order was supposed to be TEMPORARY. Like, only until they could establish what they seemed satisfactory screening processes for allowing people in from the countries in question.

Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.

I’ve never seen someone hit lame duck status with 80% of their term to go. It’s breathtaking.

All this winning must be getting exhausting for Trump supporters.

The gunman was a fucking asshole, the victims were the victims... and still, the optics are really, really bad, and can cause more violence by white people, against black people, as even the rare incident when it’s not a white person committing the violence against people of colour serves as validation of all of their

Welp, Fox News has its major story for the next week.

No, I’m sorry. The answer is racism. Racism is the reason people voted for Trump. Thanks for playing though.

Yup, I can be happy that they’re doing this demonstration, but it’s not going to change my mind on the NFL as a whole. The whole “inducing traumatic brain injury in a majority of its players” thing is really a turnoff for me, in addition to all the domestic violence, substance abuse, and murder layered on top of it.

He has grown and matured nicely. (Solange accelerated things, imho).

Came such a long way from “Big Pimpin”. Proud of you Hov. Now if you will excuse me, I think I’ll go put the “Story of OJ” on repeat for a spell.

You would of thought someone would have protected them in a church...oh well I guess it was just his plan...

“With All Disrespect” would make a great album title…

I’d like to see these coaches and owners put their money where their mouth is then and hire Kaepernick.

If a person wants the privilege of being president he or she should not be allowed to disrespect the very ideals that form the foundation of our government and should uphold the constitution. If not, YOU’RE IMPEACHED. Find something else to do.

How about we do away with the mastubatory wanking of playing the National Anthem in the first place? 90% of the time, I’m in line for a glass of wine and the BF is peeing into a trough with 100 other dudes.

To Trump, the NFL Players are mere property and he is calling out to their “owners” to discipline them for speaking. This sounds familiar.

I love that Khan the owner of The jaguars locked arms with the players in solidarity at the London game.

I stopped supporting the NFL a few years ago. Ray Rice was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. After reading how many NFL owners donated to 45's campaign, I feel even more vindicated. However I am very proud of the athletes that have chosen this form of civil disobedience & those that support them. What I

Lord, usually I don’t give a flying fuck about sports, but now I am suddenly very very interested.