A Sense of Poise and Rationality

100%. Her parents would have had to agree to this. It’s bullshit.

I came here to say that this child is being emotionally abused and financially and sexually exploited and there should be criminal legal consequences for the adults involved. I’m not scandalized. I’m not shocked. Female children have been used this way since the invention of property. But let’s look beyond the veneer

They work fast either that or she’s Kims Surrogate. LOL

Awful. Those face fillers already aren’t jiving too well with the extra weight:

yep...this is why no one can be surprised by a Trump presidency.

They’re saying this thing is due in February, which means Kylie got pregnant in May. They started dating in April. She got pregnant ONE MONTH into dating him??!?!??!?!


Her body her choice, but girl, you’re only 20 and you’ve been dating this guy for the same amount of time you’ve been pregnant

“Reproducing for ratings? Spawning for Specials? Bump for Big Bucks? Expecting for E Channel?”So many phrases running through my head right now (and probably momager Kris, too)

Awww. Best wishes to the two of them on the impending birth of their prop.

I can hardly wait for the custody battle on season 722 of the kardasjians

How the fuck did this article get posted with not a single picture of the subject matter in it?

...or try to correct your grammar.

That being said, King Triton’s castle’s gotta dong in it (NSFW?).

The problem is with the amount of money she spends I doubt she has “loads of money.” Or at the very least she would need to make some lifestyle downgrades if she wishes to retire. There was a reason she was all over that billionaire.

I get really nostalgic for Mariah from the 90's, but yeah, don’t care about her current career.

If you watched any of her live performances over the last 8 years you know it had nothing to do with the production people. Girl hasn’t been at her “A” game for a long, long time.

I have never liked her. She’s been performing for a long time and she still isn’t able to handle situations like this? Shit happens in live performance. How a performer handles it is a test of their mettle.

I know that Mariah is a Diva and so will get away with things that even very good performers wouldn’t, but I’m with Seacrest on this. She had an amazing voice (and still has a really good one), but what has she done in the past ten years except give half assed shows and new music hardly anyone listens to? It’s sad

Anyone who has seen even a few minutes of her recent forays into reality tv wouldn’t find it hard to believe the screw-up had everything to do with her and nothing to do with the production people.