A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Meuller is known for being very careful and exacting, which is good in terms of making an unassailable case. But I’m with you- I need this to move along. Reading about Watergate bums me out because it makes you realize just how long these things take.

I know this investigation is actually moving along very quickly; I need it to be faster though.

Nah, Putin will let this play out. It works in his favor. He obviously is not getting the goodies he wanted, and Trump has proved an incredibly poor vessel to promote his goals. Therefore, his secondary goal is to weaken the US in particular and democracy in general. How better to do that than to let it come out

I will love him forever if he gives incriminating evidence on Ivanka.

Well then. I think he’s gotta to flip on Trumples lest he find himself mysteriously vanished by Putin’s witness-removal squad. I say bleed him dry for info, then try him for treason. Oh, and promise him a plea deal, break the promise, and laugh.

“No child should ever feel hungry, stalked, frightened, terrorized, bullied, isolated or afraid, with nowhere to turn,”

Ivanka sells envy, just like daddy. Just like he’s the brash incredibly wealthy virile alpha business wizard every man wishes he could be, Ivanka is the Trumpian vision of Donnie’s “perfect woman”, all by design. Adoring wife, loving mom, loyal daughter, brilliant self-made entrepreneur, former model, always poised,

Someone who hasnt come to terms with the fact that her father sexually abuses her is maybe not the best person to be involved in issues of human trafficking or its victims.

Is it that the Baby is supposed to be the focus here but instead it’s all IVANKA?

I feel like this is the first time that people have expected her to actually work at her job. And I feel like she doesn’t actually understand what work entails.

It’s basically No Exit, which is brilliant.

She was representing the US at the United Nation’s summit on human trafficking and slavery today. Someone who uses third world labour to produce knock-off shoes is apparently concerned about exploitation.

The composition of this photo is offputting. Is it the dead smile? Is it the tacky grandma couch and pillow? Is it her beige skirt or the square shoulders of her blouse? Is it the staging, as if the couch was moved to the Lincoln Memorial for this photo? Is it that the Baby is supposed to be the focus here but instead

She also has no idea what words like ‘otherwise’ mean

“vanka Trump, alabaster-skinned Trump heiress and senior White House advisor, does not believe she has any “obligation to moderate” the president, her father.”

Full disclosure, I don’t believe any kid should be hit with a belt, a stick, a wooden spoon, or any other object ever.

I admit that I did not ever suffer from physical abuse from either of my parents. My father was abusive but not physically. So I am not speaking from first-hand experience here but, I also understand that for many people especially if you were raised that way, hitting a child with a belt is just another way of

The important question to me is, what’s the proper response? In some cases it may be removal. In others services might be more appropriate.

She was also an abused kid continuing the cycle of abuse, who was able to break the cycle despite the intervention not because of it.

If we’re throwing all context out the window, well then removing a child from the only home and parents they’ve ever known is also a crime, called “kidnapping.” But how about we acknowledge the complexities of real life that the woman in fact acknowledges in her story, that all at the same time there exist some