A Sense of Poise and Rationality

I know I’ve upped my consumption.

I think the sanity thing to remember is that the domestic policy stuff is regular Republican bullshit. Yes, it ruins the country. Yes, we are rolling back progress. Yes, the nation is being gaslighted. But any Republican would do that, which is why the Republicans are blind right now to the worse parts:

How short your memory is. You’ve conveniently forgotten that a mere three years ago Obama was getting roasted in the press for wearing a tan suit. If we can survive that, we can get through anything.

That’s the thing. I can’t even stand to watch him because of how eloquent he was. It’s literally painful. I mean, if you want just a taste of the difference, think about this: both Trump and Obama use teleprompters. But we can ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS tell when Trump is using or not using his - when he’s using it, he just

so weird to me that “coherent” has become the baseline for a decent president. obama was a fucking fantastic orator! he was inspiring and smart and beautiful. and i know you don’t mean to say otherwise. it’s just how fall we’ve fallen :(

If you do, don’t pair it up with Sarah McLachlan’s “I will remember you”.

That is quite surprising! The only reason I dragged my ass out of bed the next day was to get a damn bottle of wine. Mom and I slammed it.

Yeah, I remember someone telling me once that gun sales were up under Obama because people were terrified that the Radical Moose Lamb was going to come for their second amendment rights - and so everyone bought guns. Now there’s apparently no one coming for their guns, so they don’t need to buy them.

On good news, gun sales are down. Republicans in office are bad for the gun industry.

Katie Holmes said something similar when she started dating Tom Cruise. I’m paraphrasing but it was something like, “I can practice Catholicism and Scientology at the same time. Both religions are welcoming!”

Somehow, Jada Pinkett-Smith’s statement is actually more insufferable. She’s trying on religions to seem worldly and open/accepting.

Um...I’m an agnostic/atheistish kinda person and I think most religions sound a little nutty when you really think about what its followers believe (virgin birth, son of god being basically a zombie, etc.)...but the fact that she put Scientology in the list with those others is all the confirmation I need that she’s

I really do want to get some statistics on the sale of alcohol between this year and last. Honestly.

I keep wanting to watch videos of Barack Obama to remember what it was like when we had a coherent, mature, well-spoken adult in the White House. But the problem is, it just makes me so incredibly sad that I can’t do it. How is it that just a year ago, we were at least on the road to fixing some horrible shit in this

Cancel the appt. You won’t need teeth.

Trump’s threat at the UN that “The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea” is really unprecedented. This is no off-the-cuff response to a question, or cranky early morning tweet, but a centerpiece of a

We are all General Kelly.

Now playing

1) promised to “totally destroy” North Korea if Kim Jong Un, whom he referred to as “Rocket Man,” threatened the US or her allies,

It is happy Its newest form spreads terror to so many. It never thought It would top Pennywise.

We already have one demented clown with orange hair scaring the shit out of us on a daily basis. Quit it with the bonus clowns.